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Suika Focks

Suika Focks

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The Beginning

Okay so how do you want to start this off?


Wait, you don't even know?


Well what do you wanna write about?


Hey, you're the one that wanted to write a story so you pick.

"sqea, sqeak sqeak? sqeak sqea, sqeak sqeak!"

HOLD ON, HOLD EVERYTHING. who tought you all that?!


Nex!? I should teach that damn blue furball a lesso-


Alright fine! no cursing, I get it! look just don't repeat anything that Nex says, It's not good for you.

"Sqeak sqeak?"

Look why dont we just tell them your story? then we don't have to make anything up.


Alrighty then! but we should probobly tell them our name's before I tell them your story. Dont you think?


Okay then why dont you introduce yourself love.

"sqeak squika!"

And I'm Abby. I'll be telling Suika's story from this point on, mainly so that those of you you don't speak animal can understand, and the fact that Suika doesnt really understand what a computer is.

Some of you are probobly wondering why we're saying Suika's story and not both of our storys or just mine, well that's quite simple really. it's Because I'm her conscience, yes you heard right I said consience.

you could compare us to Jiminy Cricket and pinocchio, exept I traded in my top hat for some pants and Suika decided to keep her ears and tail. and there was no fairy godmother just an old dragon with compassion and a since of humor.

Well I suppose before you all get even more confused I should tell you what happened! but where to begin is the question.
well I suppose the best place to start would be when Suika met the dragon, and what the dragon saw in Suika to compel him to do what he did.

It was apparent that the dragon had.... Abilities, and one of those abilities seemed to be looking into the past through someone else. So that's what he decided to do with Suika, look into her past. And her past was, not the brightest, quite the opposet to what she is now, confused a good amount of the time but happy, and cheerful.

You see when she was a pup, merely five weeks old, inexperenced and eager to learn, was taken from her den deep in Alaska by a group of people who then stuffed her in a cage and sold her to a small child who brought her to a large house in Oklahoma along with a few other fox pups.

But when Suika was brought to the childs room and let out of the cage, strangely it was only her. all of the other fox cubs were given away to other people in the house, for what reason she didn't know. all she knew at the time was that she was scared, alone, and confused.

But! a glimmer of hope presented itself to her when she saw a square hole in the childs room leading to the outside! odd as she thought that they would just leave a hole in the side of there house she was just too overcome with joy at the thought of freedome!

So she ran as fast as she could jumping onto the bed in front of her ' this is it!' she thought preparing to leap onto the roof, she jumped up and-WHAM! right into the glass!

HA! you think she would've learned from this right? not a chance! now lets fast forward a bit, shall we?
So a month later and Suika has learned five things durring her temperary saty with humans, 1 most of the squares are impenetrable, but if you fail try and try again is her moto, 2 the girl will give her food if she bites one of they're legs, 3 she gets let outside if she scratches at a door, 4 it seems that the other foxes do not like the color of her fur, and 5 being the smallest apparently means you're the worst at everything in the world of foxes.

So it seems the dragon has found that the little wandering fox has had quite a few bullying experiences, though she doesn't seem to realize it, what do'ya know she's so innocent she doesn't even understand people are being mean to her....or maybe that's just stupidity.

Lets fast forward another month, get to the interesting part yeah?

It was stormy the day when Suika was brun out of her new hom- Wait really? it was stormy? jeez her life was dramatic, ya'know what, no I'm changing it. it was not stormy but it was sunny and everyone was outside with the humans, oh how she envied humans, they're large frames not easely stepped on, artisticaly long fingers able to paint and draw, and how she wished she could be like them, though she did feel sorry for them not having tails.

she couldn't imagine a life without her 'oddly' long tail, as she was told so many times by others while they were teasing her. Speaking of the others here they come right now. Three of them in total, now i was never a big fan of these brats so I've decided to that we're going to speed through this while scene, because if I go through what these little dickbutts said I'm going to strangle something. But lets continue the story so what they said was somewhere alog the lines of "weak runt" "useless no good" and so on so forth, again I'm not going to get into it.

So as the verbal abuse went on and Suika sat there ignoring them as best she could, that's when one of them got the bright idea to take nip out of her side, which then caused her to jerk away in reaction. Which in turn caused the other two to join in after finaly getting a reaction out of the white fox.

And heres where everything starts to go a bit heywire.

After they all started yelling, shoving and down right "attacking" her to the ground she took off, them right on her tail, (pun intended) she was running and jumping around things to get away from the others and somehow finding a hole in the fence that she could just barely fit into thanks to her small size.

So finaly out of that place and free she took down the road as fast as she could going towatds the mountains.
Fast forward a couple days and there she was, wandering around a forest clueless and hungry in the middle of the day, and that's when she stumbled upon the dragon, that damn dragon. noticing the small white fox cluelessly looking around, and curious as this dragon was, or nosey in opinion, he wanted to know her story, so he put out some food out for her, and since she had yet to notice him lounging around in the tree's above her, she happily ate the food without a care in the world, he liked learning peoples story's it seems, for he did a similar thing with me. He just put out some apples along the tree line near my house which was where he resided and did some mind jutsu magic thing i still have no idea what it was, but by being around me or maybe it was because i ate his food he was somehow able to see into my past, which the same as what he did with Suka.
So after learning what he did about her he decided he was going to make her wish come true, but with a twist. So he lured Suika to the tree line, which at the time I was at looking around for more apples.

But instead of apples I ended up finding a pure white fox with green eyes staring at me from inside a bush. And that was when at all began for me, when the damn dragon showed up, and what he did will haunt me for the rest of my life.


Now as you all know by now that Suika was a small fox with an abnormally large tail. Now that I act as her conscience she is a very large fox with an even larger tail! but thats not all! now for some reason when we were put together I also somehow gaving her new markings, these markings are rainbow speckles bright green bars on her muzzle, ears, hand paws, back and stomach.
Now another thing you all might be wondering is "How are you doing all this if you're her conscience" well it seems that when she sleeping or knocked out which happens quite a bit, I seem to come out. I Don't know how and I don't know why, But i bet that damn dragon is somewhere around laughting at us right freaking now!!!

And this only just happened a few months ago, so to keep my sanity I will be posting updates whenever I can to keep you all updated, wish me luck.

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