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Kailo vs Shard by str8aura

Kailo vs Shard


Kailo may have given up the ways of the force after becoming a star warrior, but his skill with a blade remained with him. Having died of old age, many warriors quickly turned to looking up to him for guideance among other things.

Kailo's Notes:

"This is Aggression form. As the name would indicate, this form is a favorite of warriors focusing themselves on the offensive utility of their bladework. It compliments warriors who specialize in some form of hand-to-hand martial art or are able to employ acrobatics on the battlefield. It accels in helping the user maneuver to the open spots in their enemies defenses and evening the odds against opponents larger than the user, but such maneuvering often leaves the user exposed to enemies that it is not actively engaged with."

Shard's Notes:

Ezmeralda's Notes:

"AH yes! I know all about moving around! When in an aggresive stance, it's important to hunt down the perfect opening against your opponent. something every Star Warrior should know especially when staring at their death marks!"

Gaia's Notes:

"Guys, stop calling me for combat information. I have nothing to do here!"

Sylvain's Report:

"Being in an aggresive stance can make you lower your defenses and should only be used when you are certian they are not going to attack you... in my opinion."

Anthrax's Notes:

"This is a type of approach I always use. Mainly because its hard for other foes to notice my prescence or land a shot at me.


It's because I'm agile NOT SMALL. I'M FAST NOT SMALL"

Weaver's "Notes:"
"Rushdown strats should work, amirite?"

Submission Information

Visual / Other