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Acoustic Soul by starvinartmajor

Acoustic Soul


Commission for   bleedingsouls

I had a lot of fun with this piece. I love me some acoustic guitar, small stages, and intimate settings. I like to imagine that it's a small bar stage, with some fantastic acoustics, so his voice projects. Some music is best if you have to sit down, be quiet and listen to.

Also. I want that guitar. Like... Holy shit I want it bad!!! I've been thinking about picking up an acoustic guitar just to doodle some stuff on it. I wonder how hard that would be...


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    Rocking husky. <3

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    The greatest venue I ever witnessed an acoustic guitar performance in was our very own Miners Foundry, right here in Nevada City, CA. That place has exquisite acoustics and pitch-perfect reverberation for acoustic sets! Plus its a historic venue, so that adds to the magnificence of it all.

    I'd love to catch a local coffee-shop acoustic performance up north one day! Like, in Oregon or Washington. That'd be quite a thrill, methinks.

    You've done a marvelous job with this picture! The subtle lighting really compliments the simple performance space. He's a very well-ordained husky guitarist! I'm sure my shep-coon would gladly lend forth some bass support to him. :3

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      Oh man. Coffee shop acoustics are just... otherworldly if you've got the right musician. Just... They're amazing. And Miner's Foundry sounds like it needs a visit from me. Cause I do love me a place with awesome acoustics and reverb :3

      And thank you so much darlin! I love how this turned out. Played around with some things, and they just sort of worked out, ya know? And awwwww yeah musicians are pretty much the coolest :3