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Gay and Autochorissexual by Star_Ringer

Gay and Autochorissexual


As we close out Pride Month, I want to (finally) make an announcement. I learned something about myself, at the ripe old age of 30, that I have always experienced but never had a name for.

I'm on the Asexuality spectrum. I'm Autochorissexual.

I'm still gay. I'm not 100% asexual, also called a gray-asexual or graysexual. I identify as male, and the sexual arousal I do feel is for other males exclusively. I'm definitely homosexual, but I'm also this.

I thank denoyelle for first introducing me to this term in her journal here:

And I found the original post of the graphic she provided here:

I'm going to transcribe the things this post explains, with some personal edits based on my own experience and discussions I've had with other people who feel this label describes them.


'Autochorissexual' was coined by Anthony Bogaert, deriving from 'autochoris', which translates to 'identity-less sexuality'. It is a type of asexuality (gray-asexuality/graysexuality, specifically).

A disconnection between oneself and the object of arousal; may involve sexual fantasies or arousal in response to erotica or pornography, but lacking any desire to be a participant in the activities therein.

An autochorissexual, in general, likes the idea of sex, and can enjoy reading/writing/watching sexual content. But their desire to engage in sexual activity or sexual attraction are minimized or nonexistent.

You might be autochorissexual if:
- You get aroused by sexual content but don't actually want to engage in any sexual activities yourself.
- You masturbate, but are near-neutral or repulsed by the idea of having sex with another person.
- You have a desire for sexual activity, but become easily frustrated or disinterested when actually attempting sexual acts with another person.
- You become more aroused by watching other people have sex than you do by engaging in them yourself.
- When you fantasize about sex, you envision people other than yourself, and/or view it in third person, as though you're watching it on a screen, rather than imagining it in first person, through your own eyes.
- You predominatnly or entirely fantasize about fictional characters or celebrities, rather than people you actually know.
- You identify as asexual, but enjoy masturbating, are aroused by sexually explicit content, and/or have sexual fantasies.
- You have trouble getting off in sexual acts if your focus involves yourself in any way.
- You enjoy helping a sexual partner get off, but are neutral to getting off yourself in the process.

This is not an exhaustive checklist, and they are not codependent. You could identify with one of these but not others, and ultimately nobody can give you a label but yourself. I hope that by spreading this information I'm helping out anyone who might understand themselves a bit better because of it.

An essay on autochorissexualism vs lithisexuality:
The autochorissexual flag:
Anthony Bogaert’s short paper on Autochorissexualism:

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