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Samara ref 2017 by Kelsiiluv

Samara ref 2017


Since I had to sell samara, when I found this design I just...had to buy and retool it into a new and improved samara for my roleplay. She's gone through some changes though. And she's kind of a mary sue I guess. I don't seriously give any fucks about that though, I play/draw to enjoy myself not to make anyone else happy ;)



Pokemon, corrupted data. Due to a malfunctioning/experimental pokeball she was apparently subjected to before Samara was in Gideon's care, she appears to be a melding of several pokemon's data erased and overwritten and overlapped onto one another. Samara has become an odd and unique fusion of several pokemon. The primary seems to have been an Arcanine as she is most strongly Arcanine in appearance, however her tail grows a mouth and she seems to glow with ghost pokemon moves when she fights, possibly a Haunter. There seems to be some Seviper in her as well, as her bite can be poisonous. She appears to be a Fire, Ghost, Poison mix. There's no telling what else is in there as she does seem to evolve from time to time.

Gideon, an old warhorse of a man from the poke-wars

Appear to be a mix of fire, poison, and ghost moves. The tail seems to use the latter two while she herself uses fire moves almost exclusively.

Special about appearance: Tail
Her tail looks like a normal fat boofy tail until she's in a battle, at which time it grows a mouth and moves like a snake. It appears to do it's own thing most of the time, but seems to have the best interests of it's "host" at heart.

Was more than likely made in the Kanto region by a slightly mad scientist who created a pokeball meant to merge together different pokemon and make new species. Unfortunately it didn't work quite right and Samara ended up breaking away and running for the hills years and years later when he added a seviper to the haunter/arcanine mixture and gave her just enough power to break the ball and take off. There still might be other less powerful pokemon in there he added between the seviper and the Haunter. Arcanine seems to be the first one he'd put in the ball and the basis for all the others.

Interesting info
Evolving seems to cause great pain. Data remains conscious and sentient the whole time. She has a huge fear of pokeballs. Will not willingly go in one and stay. Seems to react the same way severely claustrophobic people do to the idea of going into a ball. Samara is EXTREMELY intelligent. Is learning english at great speed. There is a thought that because many ghost pokemon used to be human, her humanoid shape and ability to adapt to human worlds is due to the ghost pokemon in her remembering human life before they died and became pokemon.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital