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Razor Wind by Stampy

Razor Wind


Story by   nmr

Nathan wasn't really one to stand out... as odd as that was for a pokemorph type that was said to foretell (or cause, depending on who you asked) disasters. Most of the time, when he was just around town, he was just a- slightly lanky- 6' absolmorph who just enjoyed going to movies, eating more fast food than should be healthy and occasionally stopping by the bar and drinking something or other that tasted horrible. Basically, he was a very boring morph whose only claim to fame was- thanks to some sort of quirk of fate, destiny, luck or chance- he had more or less an entire pantheon of goddesses on his speed-dial.

Granted, for someone who had the favor of multiple deities, he didn't really use it all that much.

He still enjoyed not having to work to have money, or food, or a house, but that was the extent of it outside of his position as a toy for any of them that wanted to basically mess with him. Still, he wasn't complaining; for someone like him, it was a job with literally no downsides and multiple giga-tons of benefits.

Nathan set down his drink as he sat outdoors at a cafe, sighing as he thought about what else he was going to do today. He could go find a new video game to play (and likely be sucked into at some point), or go see another movie (and have some of the characters step out of the screen), or just wait around and see if anything unusual happened to him, like it always did.

Suddenly, the ground shook and he immediately looked up.

Cackling like mad, a massive Weavilemorph sunk her claws into a building, then hefted it up and actually threw most of the it halfway across the city. Overhead, an equally large Beedrillmorph buzzed by and he could see a Houndoommorph towering in the distance. Some of the other residents, now long used to macros thanks to all the insanity that tended to follow him, weren't anything more than confused by all of this; it probably helped that they knew by now that- no matter what happened- they were protected from harm and things would be reset when everything was said and done, but they just very rarely saw things like this happen when other macros randomly appeared.

Of course, Nathan could see the source of the discrepancy.

High above, even more so than the Beedrillmorph was flying, the absol could just make out the serpentine form of the air dragon: Rayquaza. He found himself sighing in minor frustration; Rayquaza had never really accepted that legendaries like himself weren't the ones in control anymore. He usually just grumbled about it, but, occasionally, there would be days like this, when he picked a few morphs to take out his frustrations on the world for him, even if it all amounted to nothing in the end.

Nathan sighed again and stood up, time to use one of the other benefits he got from being favored by all those goddesses.

Rayquaza, his face in its nigh-eternal expression of a scowl, glared down at the city and the area surrounding it as the morphs he had personally grown to immense sizes stomped around and demolished it. He knew that, not more than a few moments after they finished here, all of it would be undone, but he could at least remind morphs that those usurpers to the divine roles of the legendaris were not the last word in power.

"You really need to get a hobby, Ray."

The dragon felt his teeth grit in anger; he recognized that voice, the voice of the first morph they had convinced they were the ultimate power in the universe and now acted as their ‘priest’ of sorts. He despised the morph, but there was nothing he could do about him; he turned to face him, expecting him to have been upsized to roughly his own scale.

What he found, instead, was the that he was about level with a feral absol’s shin.

He looked up at the creature’s face and found it frowning down at him like he was a minor annoyance. “I mean, seriously, how many times have you done something like this and had it work out? And don’t try to lie, I know it’s a big, fat, zero; you really need to get over it already, and turn them back to normal.”

Rayquaza ground his teeth some more, glaring at the absol without saying a word or reverting his morphs. The absol sighed, shaking his massive head. “Okay, fine, we’ll do it your way.”

Suddenly, the wind started to pick up, faster and faster until Rayquaza felt himself struggling to stay in place in the air. The wind speed just increased, creating a whirlwind around the massive canine, and Rayquaza felt himself being dragged along; down below, the various pokemorphs he had up-sized were outright swept up and carried along, the ones that weren’t trapped under the massive absol’s paws anyway.

All that wind started to gather about the absol’s scythe as he smirked. “See ya around, Ray.” And he let fly with the Razor Wind, carrying the air dragon away along with most of his pokemorphs.

A few minutes and a reset of the universe later, Nathan was back at the cafe, and back to being a roughly 6’ absol morph. The morphs that Rayquaza had up-sized were back to normal and had been given a talking to by one of the girls, they would be fine. What had happened was a minor topic of gossip, but nothing more, morphs had seen far weirder things thanks to how ‘interesting’ Nathan’s own life was, and he was back to his original problem.

What was he actually going to do with his day?

A fun little picture for   nmr which had a short story written for it as above. You know you're big when a pile of mega macros are a mere mild inconvenience! Which is all these prove to be to Absol.

Guest cameos from Vapour and VDO's Rocquesanne.

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Visual / Sketch