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Eeveefication - Sketch by Stampy

Eeveefication - Sketch


So Vapour spent the vast majority of ConFuzzled showing off and being a jerk. It was raining heavily as people were heading to the con. Raining heavily as people were leaving the con, and it rained quite a few times with some heavy thunderstorms during it too.

As such, Viridian decided to take matters into her own paws, and with a bit of help from a quick burst of SCIENCE, Vapour's been banned from using her Vappy-powers for a little while.

...Well, until she finds a water stone, or Viridian gets bored of Vapour being an Eevee, and transforms her into another species. ...So about 5 minutes at most.

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    Sorry Vapour, all of the Max Elixirs in the world won't help you use your water moves until you're back to being a Vaporeon.

    It'll be interesting to see if Viridian gets drenched again next time or if she miraculously manages to be the only one staying dry. Time will tell!

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      As bad as this was for her, I suspect going from city to city, visiting every Waterstones in the country, and not ONE of them having a single water stone for sale was what really traumatised her.

      I figure she'd sue the book store for damages, if she didn't stomp half of them into the ground for not having what she wanted.