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An Araltian Adventure - Scareye by Stampy

An Araltian Adventure - Scareye


Too close. The big paw was just too close. When it started lifting up again in a mere moment, it'd swing right into her and she'd be caught. There was no way to escape, anymore.

Scar had been so hopeful when The Yellow Sky had come. She hadn't known what was happening, but when the quaking and rumbling had finally ended, she'd found herself on a huge island surrounded by strange invisible-shiny walls on all sides. But not just any island- one without any other predators but her. No others to fight with, to compete against, to steal her food. Just her, and a great big land to prowl across and devour, tribe by tribe. The food had already even been brought out into the open! All the terrible stomach-churning shifting of the land had collapsed the tiny huts and tents of the food, and they were exposed for her to effortlessly snatch up and swallow. But as soon as she'd picked up her first meal in this easy new world, The Black-Yellow Wall had come.

While The Yellow Sky had given her a perfect hunting ground, The Black-Yellow Wall ripped it all apart. It crushed half the island into nothingness, sending Scar tumbling down and down and down until she landed on a harsh cold blue stone plateau. Two sides of the plateau had walls just like the ground, and another had a wall of brown, but all three stretched up too high to ever climb. The last side...

Of all the other predators to have been beaten by, that fussy Onyx was the most humiliating.

(Story by  VDO)

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Visual / Digital