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Donna Guthrie -- Colors by SRSobotka

Donna Guthrie -- Colors


Original Artwork by Ferdkat / CallMePo. Colors by Me.

PROFILE : Donna Mackenzie Guthrie

Nicknames: Belle, Mackie, Thumper

Date of Birth: April 1986

Age: 32

Race: Caucasian

Gender: Female

Hair: Russet-Red/Brown

Skin: Creamy Light-Tan

Eyes: Jade Green

Height: 6' 10"

Weight: 235 pounds

B / W / H: 35C / 26 / 36

Physical Features: Athletically strong (see "muscularly-fit"), with a physical aesthetic beauty. She still retains her feminine form. Has "pixie-ish" facial features, with sweetheart lips, a slightly-long nose and a slight dimple in her chin.

She has two tattoos of a pair of old Colt .45 caliber pistols on her lower back (mirrored on each side of her torso, with the barrels angled towards the center of her back).

Base of Operations: Las Vegas, NV

Place of Birth: Unrevealed.

Known Relatives: Unnamed aunt, uncle, younger cousin.

Religion/Philosophy: Generally does unto others, etc. etc.

Occupation: Enforcer, DJ.

Favorite Foods: Italian, Chinese, Granny Micah's Cookbook.

Favorite Drinks: Zinfandel, Tapped Beer, Soda.

Favorite Colors: Blue, White, Grey.

Weapons of Choice: Fists, Feet and whatever is handy.

Likes: Nature, Music, Good food, Dancing

Dislikes: Drunks, Bullies, Stalkers, Idiots, Fakers, Licorice.

Hobbies: Body-building, Cars/Motorbikes, Cooking.

Special Abilities: Super-humanly-strong and resilient. Able to press/lift 25 tons; able to withstand fatigue poisons built up in her body (superior stamina); skin, flesh and bone is six times as dense as normal human, allowing her to withstand high-caliber bullets, falls from great heights and extreme blunt trauma injury.

Positive Personality Traits: A "peppery" personality, she is an open book with a saucy wit and a mellow "center".

Negative Personality Traits: A slow-boiling temper, with an equally slow cool-down time. None to keen on spiders.

Misc. Quirks: None.

Played by What Famous Person: Physical persona based on fitness model Jennifer Searles.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital