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Half-Dozen Wuulvites by SpiderMilkshake

Half-Dozen Wuulvites


^u^; Wow, been a while since I revisited here, in spite of having drawn much and photographed much right in line with the theme.


^u^ Some more Redwallverse fancharacters, members of a Northwestern kingdom established by disenfranchised vermin-type beasts and ruled by a family of wolverines. These characters in particular lived during the peak of the kingdom, in the timeframe two generations after Salamandastron and several hundred seasons before the events of Redwall. Wuulvites come from a variety of tribal and cultural backgrounds and many of them live in a way that is an assimilated form of the typical Woodlander settlement style, largely as a way of being seen on the same standing as them (it generally doesn't work--the Northwestern forest woodlanders see them as tyrants and vermin all the same). Skilled and prideful, they're a good bunch but not to be crossed.

Iffrit Spitfire, weasel fella, is a main character sort. He's standing beside Seagrit Wrendrock, the Tracker Captain of the Wuulvite's army, who's hemmed in by Loach, a ferret and childhood friend of Iffrit.

Then there's Bramm, a big, fine fox buddy, together with Violet the stoat--skilled archer--and Sleetpad, a great shot in her own right. This grouping of six are all a close group of pals.

Some more fancharacter stuff and hopefully some traditional Redwall illustrations be upcoming. :D

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Visual / Sketch