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Anzu Ink by SpiderMilkshake

Anzu Ink


Anzu is a more recently discovered Oviraptorid, a group of dinosaurs named for the erroneous assumption of the first genus's discovery--since Oviraptor was found collapsed atop a nest of small eggs, and paleontologists of the day were still mostly like five-year-olds who had just seen Jurassic Park for the first time and banging their JP merch together, making the dino's fight, their attitude to finding new dinosaurs and new situation preserved was... ehhh... shall I say "aggressively motivated"? Yeeeeah... paleontologists and paleobiologists both had the mindset regarding dinosaurs and prehistoric animals more as Kaiju than... well, animals, so the discovery of a dino on the nest? Must be raiding the nest, of course! Of course, it was later discovered that the eggs contained little Oviraptors... and that the adult most likely died due to a natural disaster, refusing to stop tending to their eggs. Sweet dinosaur love, ruined by the childish assumptions of paleontologists! Though, Maiasaura was discovered earlier, but being an obvious herbivore, did not suffer this same revision of life story by over-zealous kaiju-fans---er, I mean dinosaur-fans. XD

Anzu is part of a steady stream of Oviraptorid discoveries--happily pumping up the reputation and clout of this interesting group of omnivorous/carnivorous/herbivorous theropods. ^^ They seem to turn up mostly in desert environs, riparian oases, and grassland or savanna regions--implying that they were mostly omnivorous or that each species had a specialization to avoid competition--for example, Conchovenator seems to have a very special crushing beak, and was found where aquatic invertebrates like conchs and other shellfish were discovered, so it's likely Conchovenator mostly preyed on small shelled things, leaving other genera to specialize in herbivory or insectivory or even straight-up chasing smaller dinos. ^^ Anzu's short, cropping beak but still with some fairly sharp surfaces in its jaw like modern carnivorous birds implies a more generalized diet and lifestyle--that and it is part of a larger split of Oviraptor's family tree known as Caenagnathids, with a more stubby beak and generally larger size, of which only Gigantoraptor has any heavy herbivorous traits. Anzu probably ate whatever it wanted, whenever it was available, relying on vegetation for the most part but nibbling anything from bugs to small amphibians and reptiles to small species of oviraptorids. Like a big cassowary with even more evicerating claws! XD Yay!

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