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Fading Fury: You shouldn't Have by Spicy-Porcupine-Art

Fading Fury: You shouldn't Have


Dasora had returned to Dalaran. She didn’t know what to do. She went searching for some sort of sign that her father was still alive or at least something more of him to bring back. She expected to find an armor scrap or at least a body, but what she found was a lot different. What she found was her father, but it was also not him. The Demon that he harbored within him had taken control over him. Using his body in service to the Legion. She decided that her father needed to be laid at rest, so she fought him, but as she went to make the killing blow, her father had shown through. She couldn’t go through with it, she had her father back. Even if it were for a few minutes.

When he had began losing control, he had told her to run, and she had done so, very reluctantly. Now here she was, back in Dalaran, where her mother and her brothers were. Her mother was angry that Dasora had disobeyed her, and her brothers weren’t too pleased either. Thom lectured her on her recklessness of going alone, Logan reprimanded her for allowing her weakness be known to the Demon. But she didn’t hear their words. Instead, she only heard her father’s.

“Run my little fire, and don’t look back…”

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Visual / Digital