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Fursona Introspective by SlightlyWinged

Fursona Introspective

This isn't a tutorial of any kind, just my honest thoughts on what fursonas are.

The drawing above is of what's often referred to as a "fursona'. You take aspects of an animal(s) you think represent you, and make an animal or creature from it. This drawing is of my fursona, Heidi. She is half rabbit and half skvader. Skvader's are basically half rabbit half bird, so Heidi is ¾ rabbit and ¼ bird.

"Okay," you're thinking, "so you like cuddly animals and you like birds. So you made something that's both. Good for you."

Actually, there's more to it than that. A lot more.

I chose a rabbit because they are the ultimate victims of the animal world. Preyed on by just about every animal they encounter, the fact that they breed like...well, rabbits, is probably the only reason they're still here.

To me, using a rabbit represents my years of being tormented by all kinds of bullies.

So what about the wings? Personally, I love the idea of flight. Not just the freedom, but imagine how good it would just feel to glide on an air current, letting your worries drift away.

Heidi doesn't get that. You may have noticed her wings are small. That's not an art style, where I made them small and cute on purpose. No, Heidi has a defect where her wings were born crippled. Even though she's fully grown, her wings will forever remain tiny and useless.

Her inability to fly, even with wings, represents how even though I have dreams, it's very unlikely, or even impossible, that I'll achieve them.

Finally, we come to color. Heidi, as you may notice is black and white. Excluding the inside of her ears and eyes of course. This too, represents something.

When you look at someone what happens? You get a first impression. A small, 2D idea of someone you thought up in a second. But boy, are we so much more than that. Everyone has a life, years of experiences that made them who they are, make them unique. However for some reason, we compress people into quick, easy labels.

This is why I made Heidi black and white. When people look at her, they see no color. They see black and white, boring shades that would make people think she is just as plain as her fur.

This is also why I made her eyes such a piercing blue. They say eyes are the windows into the soul. Only when people look past appearances will they see the true person inside. While Heidi looks plain from the outside, her eyes reveal her true self; a colorful, fun-loving girl.

THIS is what a fursona is. It's not just a fun little creature to draw. It's a real, in-depth representation of yourself.

So next time you make a fursona, take a bit of a journey inside yourself. Who knows, you might be surprised at what you find.

Fursona Introspective


Maybe I'm weird, but I really, really, REALLY don't like people who make fursonas that are just their favorite animal with their favorite colors.


Fursona's are supposed to represent you. So instead of choosing your favorite animal, or a "cool' animal, find one that corresponds to your personality.

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Literary / Other


  • Link

    That's some in-depth analysis. Quite impressive how much you thought through the symbolism of your character. (Also very interesting is that Skvader animal. I thought it was something you had invented, but it even has a Wikipedia article!)

    I couldn't say I reflected that much before drawing myself with a donkey's head. Color was something that came more or less naturally. I just picked something that seemed donkey-like, though light grey is quite fitting, now that I come to think of it.

    I did try to be honest, however. I wouldn't consider it right to show myself as a fox, a wolf, or any kind of predator actually, no matter how bold and cunning they looked. Actually, precisely because of that. I thought for some time about mice, but they had already been overused. I cherish unusual things that are forgotten by other people. Besides, the impression it gives is that mice dart when they're afraid, while donkeys will at best stare at you with sad eyes. Moreover, when Latin America is mentioned, the image that comes to mind is a guy with a large mustache, a poncho and a sombrero riding a donkey. So, I guess the donkey is the most fitting animal representation of a Latin American, I mean, after Speedy Gonzalez. ;)

    / screed

    • Link

      I tend to over think things too much, but I thought it'd be nice to show over thinking isn't always bad.

      It's nice to see your thought process as well! ^^ Indeed, I think a lot of people shouldn't portray themselves as predators. Plus, there are plenty of animals that aren't predators that people can use. Elephants, Manatees, Capybaras. We need more odd animals around.

      • Link

        Yes, more animals! So much variety in nature, no need to restrict ourselves to canids and felids! Manatees sound a little complicated, cos they are aquatic, but capybaras are great. I remember Ursula Vernon has made many of them, and they all looked lovely.

        • Link

          Even if we don't count aquatic animals (I made a story all underwater once, the physics rattled my brain XD) That's still millions of species and subspecies we have. Other animals I can think of: Bats, Salamanders, Koalas, Bears (Pandas are popular though).

          And my old fursona was a Virginia Opossum. :3

          • Link

            Oh, right, if the story is underwater, then manatees are definitively a good choice! I'm also very fond of opossums myself. Some people around these parts regard them as little more than rats, but I think they are actually very cute animals with their large, black eyes.

            (By the way, I was reading your character description, and it just occurred to me that it was rather unsensitve of mine to come here babbling bout donkeys when you had just told such a heartfelt story about yourself. Sorry for that. I hope you can overcome the shadows of those bullies and let your wings grow, so they can take you wherever you want.)

            • Link

              It was kind of like the little mermaid, except instead of wanting to go on land, the character found the "dry above-world" terrifying. She wandered somewhere she wasn't supposed to be, and was cursed, losing her gills and was forced into the place that terrified her.

              I should start it again. As much as it made my head spin, I liked it. :D

              (No insensitive at all, I assume a lot of artists have been bullied. After all, we are very sensitive souls. With therapy and medication I've gotten much better!)

              • Link

                Subverting existing stories is always interesting. So, sure, go for it! :)