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New Pendulum By Silvixen by SilverSheep

New Pendulum By Silvixen


Macchiato took a seat next to him. The fox had cleared out the last of the bar's customers and had taken a seat at one of the tables. Braxton shot the coyote a grin.

"I got something I want to show you," said Braxton.

Macchiato's ears flicked towards Braxton as he locked his gaze with the vulpine. Braxton opened one of his hand paws, there was an object inside. It was a pendulum!

Braxton lifted his pendulum up and gave it a swing. The design was a gold and black spiral on a round disk. Macchiato looked up at the fox.

"I had to buy this one. Its design reminds me of how your eyes go when you're hypnotised," said Braxton.

Macchiato gulped.

Braxton slid his other hand paw towards the coyote and gently stroked Macchiato's arm.

"You always get a bit nervous when it comes to trance. You look so lovely all tranced out and I know you enjoy it because you keep coming back to be my subject," purred Braxton.

The fox began to swing the pendulum. The movement caught the coyote’s eye. The steady movement and the glinting light captured Macchiato's gaze.

"I want you to focus on my pendulum. Follow it with your eyes. I know that you are good at focusing," said Braxton his voice taking on an even cadence.

Macchiato focused on the pendulum swaying back and forth. He couldn't help but smile. Braxton always made him feel so good. He loved coming here after a long day at work for some special time with this fox.

Artwork: © Silvixen

Characters: © silversheep silversheep

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