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Enter Calib by Silvermane

Enter Calib


Oh how they had thought they had gotten the right guy. Hicks always the same. Pick out the outsider. The one that clearly doesn't fit into their cozy little world. Their tongues betrayed their manners as they had raises their fists, kicked him with their steel toe boots, and one even managed to shoot him with a gun. An offense that may have gotten the cops involved...may have...

One was scrambling away in the melee that had happened once they discovered their mistake. His bloodied face was a sight to behold though the blood was not his. The blood was his racist companions whose litany of backwoods slurs had ended in gurgling spouts of blood as black talons has easily silenced them forever. If it was one thing he didn't like it was racists. White, back water, primitive thinking.

"So you'd ya think is da superior race now?" he let his seldom used accent slip out more to show case just how far wrong the blubbering fool trying to get away was wrong.

"You're a fucking monster!!!!" he screamed as he pointed the gun up at him.

Wrong answer and with that the man lost his hand before even a shot was fired. His screams echoing off the trees in the clearing. He had led them here once he smelt them following him. Probably from that bar he had stopped to get directions. They had chased him through the narrow dirt roadways and stopped in this rather scenic arena when one of them had managed to jam his wheel with a base ball bat. Nothing he couldn't fix. He imagined one of their dilapidated trucks had a tool kit in it to keep the vehicle from falling apart. If all else failed he'd just hitchhike. Calib stood over the quiver pile of flesh and fat. Sniffing the air filled with piss and fear. His dread locks slapping against the collar of a dusty leather vest. He began to pat himself down removing as much dust from his leather pants and licking the blood off his hands.

"I do be believing you called me a niger, no I believe the words were queer ass niger, to be exact. My didn't your parents teach you any manners?" he grinned almost enjoying the torment.

"You fuckin...." the man didn't get to say much more.

"I didn't think so.." he huffed as he dropped the man's heart on the dusty ground.

Yeah if it was one thing Calib hated above all it was the back water racists. Of course what they could never suspect was the man they had targeted was a hunter himself. Leather padded feet that more resembled a paw than a foot walked down the sandy road with only the full moon showing a shadow of the dark werewolf from the rest of the shadows.

Here is Calib a character of my own making. May do more with him. Story is just something I whipped up in my head.

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