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Sertimus 2020 Reference Sheet by Sertimus

Sertimus 2020 Reference Sheet


Oh gosh, it's been nearly four years since his last reference sheet, hasn't it?? Well, I've got news for y'all. :> I've finally made a new one!

Not much has changed appearance-wise, except for his... Well, shape. X> I've also made this so they reflect my current identity more. In addition, I've added some clarification regarding the ball floating on top of his head, as it is often overlooked as an 'aesthetic' element when it's really in fact a functional part of his design. I've also made a set of expressions as an example to how this floating ball is used. There's also a slight variance in the accessories they don (they don't have to all the time), mostly the addition of a watch, because I was actually working on this reference sheet with a Pomodoro timer (a.k.a. my smartwatch) on my wrist, haha. Oh yeah, I also gave them a new set of shirts/hoodies to wear! Yes, they wear these bottomless. Don't ask. -v-

Other than that there's not really much to say about this except I was going to work on this reference sheet last year, except I had many sorts of issues, including ones that took place right in the noggin. I was in a rather dark place mentally over the Holidays, but I got to do a few cool things over the Holidays with friends which helped me feel better and more inspired. :>

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Visual / Digital