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Warring Dawn by Sendokidu

‘Twas bleak, this barren plane persisting to halt.

The sky chose not to show kindness upon this world,

Content in leaving the denizens stripped of sight.

Within this empty realm, two gallant knights –

Twins born separate in the fit of heaven and earth –

Made haste, for Fate demanded thus their souls to meld.

Betwixt the vying planes, the lads commenced

Their unfeasible tourney, complete dominion sought

As blade and lance infuse a sparkling blaze.

The whirling clashes resounded throughout the land,

A gentle light giving birth to a visage whence li-

On fierce and dragon noble lashed and twirled.

In a burst of blossoming red, the welkin and terrain

Soon seethed with vibrant life as the spirits left

Their weathered vessels to spin the awakened sphere

Warring Dawn


Finally got one of my projects done! ^^ Really, really proud of this. I'm actually thinking of using it as a basis for lore/mythology in a book should I ever get to writing it.

I feel it best to show an omitted stanza, to show my progress in it.

Embittered rivals slashed and pierced one

Another, droplets of red giving way to bloss-

Oming hues of luscious floral diadems.

This was what the fifth stanza was before I scrapped it and redid it. In this, the poem would've continued to six stanzas, but I changed my mind and shortened it. I'm quite pleased with the results.

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Literary / Poetry / Lyrics