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Children of the Light-Chapter 18 by Selah (critique requested)

Children of the Light-Chapter 18

Sarhea sat silently in the shadows of the night as she watched the troops moving as stealthily as they could through the ravine. She’d counted fifteen energy signatures in three groups; Raith and his team and several of the soldiers scouted down on the ravine floor while two other groups scouted one on each side of the ravine. She had no idea why they were out here and they had served only to hinder her investigation into the drones’ disappearance. She’d returned to her hunting two weeks ago but had yet to see a single drone. Even the attacks on the city had died down. She had no idea where they had gone, but something just didn’t feel right; something had changed. She had several theories, but none of them made sense. She only hoped these men were not out here just to flush her out. As far as she knew, only Raith and his inner circle knew there was something besides drones out here-that she was out here. These troops were being placed in unnecessary danger; if the drones attacked, there would be nothing she could do. She still had not decided if she would do anything. It was Raith’s responsibility to protect his men-she could not risk further exposing herself.

Sarhea’s gaze fell to the pair of signatures leading the group of soldiers scouting her side of the ravine. One was blue-violet and belonged to Askar; the other was red-violet and belonged to Lyle. It was fitting the two were brothers as their respective energies balanced one another’s perfectly. She couldn’t help but recall her interactions with the brothers over the past weeks. Askar had cleared Aleena for the energy vaults before returning to chat endlessly with her and Lyle. The pair had been so full of ambitious hopes and dreams. They were the only surviving members of a large family who had been born and raised in Keylar City. Both were eager do whatever it took to move up in rank, to serve their commander and take their revenge on the enemy for the loss of their family. Askar had been far more passionate toward this goal than Lyle, and when the younger brother had eventually left them, Askar had told her that he’d never wanted Lyle to join the military. Lyle was the only family he had left and he wanted to keep him safe. But the younger brother had insisted, rebelled, and had made Askar’s life a nightmare until he’d relented and allowed his brother to join him.

Despite the stories, it seemed all had worked for the better. The two were best friends; everyone liked them both, and they were incredibly fun to be around. One or both of them had managed to cross her path every day over the past two weeks and had even joined her and Aleena at a meal here and there. Then Askar had extended his invitation privileges to her and Aleena. Aleena was thrilled enough to get to play in the energy vaults, while Sarhea had quite enjoyed Askar’s attempts at sparing. She had also met a friend of Lyle’s the other day; she was an equally bubbly Cassarian girl roughly the same age of Lyle named Cadence. After the two had left her and Askar to their sparing, Askar had mentioned how he wished Lyle would shift his focus from the military to the lovely Cadence; he figured the two would be mates before too long. Sarhea could see it; the pair complemented one another perfectly.

Sarhea sighed quietly as she watched Askar’s group from behind her cluster of rocks. Mixed feelings churned within. She’d had so much fun lately hanging around with the brothers, had felt more alive and free than she had in years. That was until Aleena made an offhand comment that had changed everything. She claimed that Askar had a crush on her. Sarhea had not known what the Kalatian was talking about until Aleena put it in simpler terms. Askar liked her, liked her more than a friend. Sarhea had originally scoffed at the idea, but after thinking back on the past weeks and observing Askar’s actions since, she’d had to accept the fact that Aleena was probably right. The realization had caused the fragile illusion of happiness she’d found herself in to implode around her and it had been heart breaking. Askar had turned out to be a good friend; he was the nicest guy she had known since her time on Cassan Minor. Now she felt uncomfortable in his presence and it would not be long before he noticed. She did not wish to hurt him. She couldn’t deny that he was quite handsome for a Cassarian, but she could never allow herself to become romantically attached to anyone; all those who had ever cared for her had ended up dead…And she was not Cassarian.

Sarhea shook the thoughts away as one in Askar’s group moved a little too close to her hidden location. She had to concentrate on the present or she would end up in another situation she would regret. She allowed her energized gaze to scan over the energy signatures. She carefully reached within, tapping her reserves, so she could confirm everyone was where they should be. All fifteen signatures were present and accounted for. She sighed as she released her hold on her reserves. It seemed that her energy manifestations were still evolving. She noticed that here lately, the manifestation of smoke and even flames from her fingers was becoming common. It happened under heightened emotions, and the color manifested depended on the emotion. So far, it seemed to be visible only in her energized state, but she wondered how long it would be before she would have to worry about it being visible to anyone, like when the energy burned in her eyes…

“Hey, thought I saw something! Over there!” she heard a voice call out.

Sarhea flinched, her gaze becoming alert. Her sensitive ears caught the faint sounds of radio chatter, and as she concentrated on the voices, she thought she heard Raith’s voice mentioning something about a creature. Sarhea scowled. So this foolish exercise was about her! She fought back a frustrated growl as she watched the group turn back towards the direction they had come from. So all this dangerous nighttime activity had been solely to hunt her, to hunt the strange creature Raith couldn’t stand to let be. She shook her head as she tried to see what had caught their attention. Her guides were not reactive, so she was confident it was not a drone. She checked her cloak and face scarf before scurrying out from her hidden perch to find a better vantage point. She wanted to tap her reserves again, but decided against it. She did not know its limits, especially after what happened in the earlier encounter with Raith.

Sarhea quickly made her way to the next cluster of rocks that blocked her view. Peering out, she spotted the energy signatures gathered around a familiar rift. But something wasn’t quite right. The men did not appear as alert as she imagined they would be had they really been after something. They appeared to be simply meandering aimlessly around the crevasse…killing time…Sarhea stiffened as she searched the energy’s leading. She could feel an uncertain tension building, could see it in the confusing movements of her guides. What was missing?

Sarhea gave in and reached back to her reserves. Her vision came alive with enhanced color-color above and color below. Wait…a certain piercing white signature was missing from the ravine floor and so was its companion red-violet. Defensive energy flared with anger at the realization. This was another trap and she’d foolishly fallen for it! She clenched her fists in fury before reaching down to snatch her daggers from their sheaths. Angry red flames danced off the blades. The quiet sounds of stones shifting underfoot somewhere from behind caused her to spin about in fury. She was greeted by her missing energy signatures.

A low growl rumbled in her throat as she took a low defensive stance. Raith’s arrival seemed to signal the end of the pretense behind her as Askar’s group began moving into flanking positions, but they maintained a safe distance away. This was no happenstance encounter-this was planned. Deep worry began to fester along with her fury as she watched for the blue glow of Raith’s stunner, but there were no signs of aggression or weapons from either of the hunters. It seemed that each side was waiting for the other to make the first move. Raith’s white signature finally began to cautiously move forward. Sarhea brought her blades up with a low growl, causing him to pause.

“Please…we mean you no harm,” came his quiet voice.

Like hell they did. Sarhea could feel the heat of her fury radiating off her skin, knew the blue fire would be dancing in her eyes, and she fought against the strong desire to bolt. The low growl continued to rumble forth.

“If you can understand me at all, please don’t be afraid. We only wish to communicate with you,” he continued.

Sarhea bristled. Would he be making such requests if he knew it was her hidden beneath the cloak? He took a cautious step forward and the guides warned her of the soldiers’ motion behind her. Sarhea quickly crouched and flashed her daggers before her with a threatening snarl. Raith hesitated once more and seemed to notice her desire to look over her shoulder to keep tabs on the other soldiers.

“Stand down. Return to your scouting,” he whispered as he tilted his head against the side of his strange armored suit.

“Sir?” came a quiet radio reply that originated from the suit. Sarhea recognized Askar’s voice.

“Just do it!” he hissed and returned his concentration to her.

“They are not a threat to you-I’ve sent them away,” he said calmly, trying to reassure her, while taking several cautious steps back.

True to his word, Sarhea noticed the troops backing down and beginning to head back toward the crevasse. Raith and Nakyla remained where they were and remained without any weapons that she could detect. She was at a loss on what to do, and she could never reveal that she understood them. It was better that they continued to consider her some strange unknown wild animal.

“What do we do?” she heard Nakyla whisper.

“Wait,” came Raith’s reply.

So this was the game he wanted to play-wait her out until she faltered? He was grossly underestimating her resolve. Sarhea’s eyes narrowed as she slowly settled into a defensive crouch and tried to figure out how he’d once again been able to sneak up on her. It had to have something to do with his white energy, which she still not been able to make sense of. She would have to start being more observant. Even more distressing was the knowledge that there were more out here that knew of her presence.

Her guides suddenly began darting furiously back in the direction the soldiers had gone, and they demanded her attention. Her gaze had to leave Raith and Nakyla as she cast an alarmed glance over her shoulder. She instantly saw the source of the energy’s prodding. Three black glows rapidly approached from the west.

Sarhea abruptly stood, her worried gaze finding the soldiers. They stood down near the crevasse but did not appear to see the approaching danger! She cast aside all concern for Raith and Nakyla as she suddenly scrambled over the rocks and began bolting toward Askar’s group. Panic pushed her forward; she could not let history repeat itself!

Distorted sound waves vibrated through the furious energy as abrupt chatter erupted. The soldiers below suddenly came alive and began scattering in all directions. Fear and chaos ensued as the drones arrived and blinding energy fire erupted from every direction-white fire rose from the soldiers while black fire rained down on them from above. Rage poured forth from her as she arrived on the scene the moment a drone crashed to the ground ahead of her. The dark energy within had not been destroyed and was preparing to abandon its shell. Her energy infused dagger sliced through it the moment it lifted above the smoldering heap of metal, causing it to vaporize in a fury of festering black smoke. Several surprised gazes locked onto her when the soldiers noticed her presence among them.

“Leave the creature! Take out those drones!” came Raith’s commanding voice from middle of the fray.

Sarhea cast a quick glance to her left to see both Raith and Nakyla with drawn weapons firing up into the night sky. Light and energy flashed all around making it difficult for Sarhea to keep tabs on soldiers and drones. Everything was happening much to fast-there was too much chaos. The fury of the sound and motion vibrations distorted her energized sight, but she could not afford to release her connection. She heard a blast make contact with metal overhead and glanced up to see a faltering drone with a damaged wing. She took off in the direction it tried to flee, and at the last moment, used an unsuspecting soldier as a springboard to launch herself up at it.

Sarhea’s dagger slipped into a section of the damaged wing, her weight wrenching the dark contraption off its attempted flight path. They were much too close to the ground for her to avoid impact and she couldn’t let go and risk losing her dagger. Pain shot through her free left arm as they collided with the ground and tumbled several feet. She had no time to dwell on the pain. She plunged her free dagger into the contraption’s dark heart before it had a chance to right itself and fire off its weapon.

Silence fell over the landscape as she crouched over her kill. Dazed soldiers quickly began regrouping and checking for injured. The groups from the other side of the ravine and the ravine floor had joined them. She ignored those closest to her that eyed her with uncertainty-there was a drone missing. She also had to ignore the dull pain that throbbed in her upper left arm. She could feel warm blood trickling down her arm, but she could not investigate it or let the soldiers know she was injured. She concentrated on finding the third drone.

Her guides suddenly boiled forward toward the crevasse where several soldiers had gathered-she quickly recognized Askar’s signature among them. No! The drone was in the crevasse! She let out a snarl of rage as she leapt off her kill and raced toward the group of soldiers.

“Askar! Get your men away from that rift!” came Raith’s frantic voice from behind her as she ran.

As soon as the command came forth, the last drone launched up out of the crevasse with cannon blazing. Hot black light nearly blinded her as she launched her red studded dagger directly at the dark beast. Its weapon abruptly went dark as the blade found its mark and shattered the cannon’s front lens; it remained lodged firmly into the weapon. The drone lurched back in what she could only assume was surprise and in the process, smashed into a large cluster of stones. Sparks flew from its right side control surfaces.

Sarhea saw her opportunity and launched herself at the damaged beast. The shouts of men around her were drowned out by the rush of rage that poured forth from her. She made solid contact with cold metal as she flung herself up and over onto its back. She tried to slam her remaining dagger into the vent slats, but the drone suddenly surged forward toward the soldiers, causing the dagger to glance off its target. The abrupt move threw off her balance and she soon felt herself slipping.

Sarhea hit the ground hard, but had little time to dwell on what had happened before the drone tried to crush her. Her eyes widened as the metal beast smashed into the ground next to her, causing her to lose her grip on her remaining dagger. Sharp stones pelted her in the side as she rolled out of the way and scrambled to stand. White light from a soldier’s cannon erupted around her and she vaguely heard Raith’s voice call out. Someone had fired at them and missed, but it distracted the drone long enough to regain her footing and to retrieve her dagger. A brief standoff between her and the drone transpired, and in that moment, she could sense the danger everyone around her was in. It was behaving erratically, like a doomed, wounded animal, corned by its predators; such creatures were unpredictable and dangerous.

The drone suddenly lurched forward and she knew it was hell bent on taking out as many as possible before it was dispatched. Sarhea only had a split second to see that it was heading toward Askar and Raith who were desperately trying to move someone at their feet. She would have only one chance to stop it. She stepped into its path as it barreled towards the soldiers, and at the last moment, she dropped to the hard ground. Following her guides’ prompts, she rammed the blade up into the drone’s remaining functional control surface. The mechanical beast lurched to the left, ripping her grip free of her dagger once again. She felt dull pain in her shoulder and side as she was thrown violently across the ground.

Sarhea’s vision wavered as she shoved herself to her feet. She was disoriented and weak, but she followed the urgent prodding of her guides back to where the drone floundered in the dirt right where Askar and Raith had been. Panic rose anew-had they been crushed? No-she soon spotted both energy signatures a short distance away. It appeared as the impact had thrown them back and Raith had lost his weapon. It made no difference-the drone was hers. She leapt out at its nose, ducking its feeble attempt at ramming her, and grabbed the hilt of the dagger still lodged in its cannon. In one agile move, she sprang to its back and shoved the blade into the beast’s dark heart. She yanked it free to do the same on the other side. The black energy vaporized, then all was silent.

Healing energy engulfed her as she slid from the dead drone and to the ground beside it. She was suddenly very weak and in terrible pain. Both shoulders were badly scraped and bruised and she became more aware of the seriousness of the bleeding gash on her upper left arm. Her head throbbed painfully and she was so dizzy, she felt nauseous. Somehow, despite how battered and ripped they now were, her cloak and face guarding scarf remained in one piece and still concealed her features.


The all too familiar voice rose in an anguished cry. The healing energy that had tried to envelope her faded away, allowing her natural vision to return. She spotted Raith not far from her position and it appeared that he had started toward her. He now hesitated and was looking back to where several were gathered in a tight group.

“Raith! Please help! Lyle…my brother…he’s injured!” came Askar’s frantic voice.

Raith immediately turned from her and rushed to where she now recognized Askar kneeling in the dirt. This was her opportunity to escape. Sarhea struggled to her feet and retrieved her daggers. Her entire body trembled in exertion as she sheathed the blades and turned to leave. Blinding light and heat suddenly flared and Sarhea felt as if she’d just walked straight into a solid wall. Pain shot through her body as she felt what seemed like someone grabbing her and forcing her to turn back. Her vision quickly faded back to it energized state and through the chaos of intermingled color, one signature was made to stand out. The red-violet signature was faltering…flickering…fading. Her eyes widened as her body went numb, and the guides compelled her to move forward. Her limbs seemed to have a mind of their own as they slowly moved her forward.

Sarhea wanted to be nervous, wanted to worry that this was foolish and dangerous, but the thoughts were not allowed to take root-they vanished as soon as they arose. A devastating scene began to take shape before her energized eyes. Asker was kneeling on the ground next to a dark form, and he was surrounded by soldiers wearing somber gazes. Even Raith’s eyes were wide and vacant, a look of pain and hopelessness in them that she had never seen before, as he stared down at the unmoving body that Askar now sobbed over. The wounded soldier’s energy signature, Lyle’s signature, was rapidly fading.

No…please no…she thought as she slowly approached. Not Lyle, not Askar’s brother. This couldn’t be happening, not to her friends…not again…She felt heat building in her hands and she looked down to see deep blue fire beginning to consume them. Her eyes widened-this manifestation was new. But what was she to do with it? Sarhea felt herself being prodded forward again, and this time, she had control of her motion. She hesitated and stared at the flame burning from her left hand. It slowly began to change from blue to violet as her blood ran down her arm and dripped off her fingers. A sudden thought came to her; what if she could heal Lyle’s injury? Surely she could-she could heal herself.

Her gaze fell back to the group of soldiers, then to the distraught Askar as he cried for help and begged his little brother to stay awake, to stay with him. She needed no prodding of energy to continue forward, and she did so in determination and confidence as new resolve coursed through her veins. She would not watch another of her friends die. A blue glow was being cast on the ground as she advanced; this was a very visible manifestation that drew frightened gazes from the soldiers as she neared them. They quickly backed away, giving her a wide berth.

She paused within ten feet of where Askar frantically held a wad of cloth against a dark stain on Lyle’s side. Raith’s surprised gaze looked up from where he knelt beside Askar. He quickly stood, and after eyeing her cautiously for several moments, his eyes widened and he stepped back, motioning for the others do so as well. Bud silently leaned down and wrapped a strong arm across Askar’s chest. Askar struggled fiercely against the Kalatian as he yelled incoherent, anguish choked words. His struggling subsided when he caught sight of her, allowing Bud to pull him back.

“Please! Please help my brother!” he choked through his sobs and tears.

Seeing his desperate, tear soaked gaze was enough to cause emotion to well strongly within her as well. She fought back hot tears as she slowly moved in and knelt at Lyle’s side. The Cassarian’s dazed green eyes fluttered about as he gasped though blood choked breaths. Blood oozed freely from a large gaping wound in his right side. It appeared as though he’d taken a glancing blow from the drone’s cannon; a direct hit would have killed him instantly. A direct hit would have been far kinder. Pressure built in her chest as she struggled to hold back a choking sob; there was nothing she could do. The wound was far too serious for her to even attempt to heal it. Why had she even been urged to his side?

“Help…” came a barely audible whisper as his dazed eyes finally settled on her.

Sarhea could hold the emotion back no longer as her pent up tears slipped from her eyes and rolled down her cheeks, moistening the cloth still draped across her face. She silently begged her guides to show her what to do, begged them to give her the power to heal him; she couldn’t lose another friend, couldn’t stand to see Askar in such pain. Her gaze was drawn to the blue flame burning on her right hand and she instantly felt it to be the light of peace. She closed her eyes and quietly cried as understanding flooded over her. She could not heal him, but she could help him pass from this life to the next in peace…without pain. She opened her eyes and slowly took his bloodied hand in hers and placed it over his heart. She felt the energy rush through her arm and into him and soon, his pained expression faded to peace.

Sarhea felt heat begin to build in his chest as the energy continued to flow into him. She finally lifted her hand and was started to see a flickering red-violet flame dancing just below the surface of Lyle’s chest. A sudden realization hit her; what she saw was not simply the man’s energy signature…It was his soul, and it was preparing to leave. Anguish flooded over her and fresh tears flowed from her eyes. This just was not fair. Lyle was her friend; he was so young and had so much yet to experience, and now he was dying. Her guides urged her to stretch out her left hand. The flames had transformed into a swirling sphere of translucent violet. Her eyes widened as she was directed to place the hand over the flickering flame of Lyle’s soul.

Blinding white light erupted and swelled around her until it had encased them both in its brilliance. The world beyond the protective force seemed to fade away; it was just her and Lyle. Sarhea gasped as the violet energy rushed into Lyle and encircled the flame of his soul. It slowly changed from red-violet to a nearly pure white flame. A gentle smile spread across Lyle’s face.

“Thank you,” he whispered.

She did her best to smile back at him, and knew he’d seen it despite the covering over her face.

“You will soon be free of this pain,” she finally replied quietly.

“What will happen to me? Where will I go?”

Sarhea glanced down at his transformed soul. Now she understood.

“Do you believe in the Guardians?”

“I do… now. Are you one of them?”

She shook her head.

“No. I’m just a messenger, a guide.”

“You are here to show me the way home, back to the Guardians?”

“Yes. You are almost there. Just hold to your belief and the path will be revealed-the energy will take you the rest of the way.”

The violet energy sphere began to engulf the flame of his soul until all that was seen was violet. A final smile spread across Lyle’s face as he breathed his last. The swirling sphere of energy slowly rose from his body and paused before her. Sarhea gently cupped her hands under it, cradling it as she slowly stood. Her guides began to flow in weaving red and blue patterns around her, urging her to lift the increasingly bright sphere to the heavens. She obeyed the leading and released Lyle’s soul to its guides. It lifted from her upstretched hands and into the waiting energy stream. And then it was gone.

Sarhea’s surroundings came rushing back as the light that had encased her faded in the gentle breeze. Stunned gazes were locked on her from every direction. No one seemed able to move. She slowly backed away from the lifeless body.

“No!” Askar finally yelled as he broke free from Bud’s grasp. He fell to his knees next to Lyle’s body and began to sob. “You can’t leave me!” he cried.

A fresh wave of sorrow flowed forth from her and she wanted to rush to her hurting friend’s side and hold him close. But the guides urged her away. She continued to back away from the gathered group and those in her path quickly stepped out of the way. Blinding lights from overhead suddenly illuminated the area, announcing the arrival of ships. Sarhea had no idea how much time had passed, but it felt like an eternity…Why had the ships been so slow to arrive? She did her best to ignore them as she continued to retreat; she knew her identity was hidden. She heard Raith bark orders to leave her be and focus on getting them out of there.

When she was out of the ship’s spotlight, she turned and ran to the ravine’s edge. She found a narrow path to the bottom and disappeared into the night.

Children of the Light-Chapter 18 (critique requested)


Sorry for the side tracked x.x

A night time scouting mission takes a turn for the worse when the soldiers are caught off guard.

This chapter was a little harder to write, as things start getting alot more serious. I have a hard time writing highly emotional scenes, and i know this one still needs some work...but that will come for future revisions.

And sorry for the sketchy-ness of the cover art-I ran out of time and my digital sketch pencil has stopped cooperating with my ancient I'm having to play with new brushes and styles...Its a work in progress x.x

CotL and characters © ME

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