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Home by Sekaru (critique requested)


People always say that

it's where the heart is.

But where is my heart?

I shifted my eyes around

seeing the same neighbors,

same trees, streets,

the dogs barking a storm.

I open the mailbox and

as normal, no mail.

Waiting again as my mom

pulled into the driveway.

My own dogs barking as

they eagerly await for

her to come in.

The same routine again.

My dad sits in the garage

greeting us as I go inside.

Deep breath, take a look,

dogs jumping, excited,

sniffing me and following,

happier now.

My cousin sits up in her room

playing some music I disike

as I walk up and go to my own.

I open my laptop, alone as always.

Skype opens and I recieve messages

from tons of friends.

Same old routine,

each and every day.

The emotions I feel

aren't ever the same.

I want this to be all I want,

all I need.

I want to be home,

I want my heart here to be,

but it just isn't, so

someone tell me.

It's another day I wake up to,

another day I live in.

Classes, meals, friends,

same thing everyday.

Sometimes rushing,

sometimes overslept.

Something's missing though,

but I don't know what that is.

It's boring, dull,

doing the same thing

in different ways.

Can't I change this?

I wish I knew what to do,

cause I'm just doing whatever.

My home is where my heart is,

but where is my heart supposed to be?

Home (critique requested)


Just some creative writing for English I had to do one day.

Submission Information

Literary / Poetry / Lyrics