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Art is a hobby for me, not a seriously taken matter or career path.
I do take commissions; rarely I do accept trades and requests.
Art is an escape for me, a solace, and most of the time I like to draw for me, but I do also enjoy drawing just for the sake of creating.

I sincerely do hope my art is enjoyed by all. Feel free to email me or message me with any questions or requests for commissions.



Latest Journal

Commission Status

(Cross-posted from my Deviantart page):
Long time, no see! To those of you who know me from when I was extremely active in the digital/internet art community years ago, I have missed you, and I hope that everyone is doing very well and is successful with your current hopes, dreams, and other life endeavors! To those of you who do not know me as well, it is a pleasure to meet you or see you again!

I realize that I have been inactive for quite some time, however, I am currently taking commissions in "real media" (classic pencil and paper, colored pencils, watercolors, colored pencils, etc.) categories of artwork. I am not currently doing digital (Photoshop, Opencanvas, etc.) commissions because I no longer possess any digital artwork-making software since switching over to Mac (if someone wants to provide me with free copies, please feel free to send them on to me, haha!) It is my belief that my Windows laptop with all of those luxuries has finally died after 7 years of operation (Acers are great laptops, wow).

There is no limit to what I can illustrate; if I have no experience with what you are requesting, then I will research and practice to give you an amazing piece.

I commit to having each commission done within 30 days-if I cannot stick to this deadline for whatever reason, you will get your money back-and I operate through Paypal for payment (I am willing to take money orders if you cannot get Paypal). Prices are as follows, but I am extremely flexible:

  • Pencil sketch/outline: $10-$40 (depending on how many characters, background wanted, etc.) -Colored pencil piece, no background: $15-$50 (depending on how many characters) -Colored pencil piece, with background: $25-$65 (depending on character quantity and background complexity) -Marker piece, no background (Prisma or Tria brands): $15-$50 -Marker piece, with background: $30-$70 -Multi-media piece, no background (pencil, colored pencils, markers, watercolors combinations): $25-$50 -Multi-media piece, with background: $70-$300

You will have the finished piece mailed to you, I will not charge more than $5 for shipping anywhere. I will scan all images to be viewed on a computer for free obviously.

As I mentioned, I am extremely flexible and we can negotiate/talk prices for what you want. You can comment here or contact me at my person email: Take a look at my gallery here and see what I have done in the past; I am better with real media than I am with digital artwork software, always have been! I realize my gallery needs updating, but it will give you a good sense of what I can do-I would guess that I am 10 times better and improved than what my gallery shows. Thank you! Bring on the requests!

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  • Link

    Oh Scully I remember you! Welcome to Weasyl!

    • Link

      Hiiii! Thank you very much! I really like this site so far. Did you used to go by a different name other than betsy?

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        You may have known me as Lizzle on deviantart back in the day. My fursona was a cat haha... or even a squirrel? :3

        • Link

          Oh yes! Haha I'm sorry, a lot of people I knew really well are still on the art communities but they go by different names now! So good to see you again! <3