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Big Tourist Spot by ScruffyBrush

Big Tourist Spot


Asked for on-stream drawing ideas and Lyze suggested more wholesome macro. Thought about it a bit and had this cute silly idea.
Thought it was really original but found out after the fact it's not the only one out there but that's just how it is.
I looove doing and seeing cute/helpful/wholesome/funny macro pics so drop me ideas if you have any, I'd love to make more and build interest for them.
You might've noticed brushes I've been using changed a lot since the "Taxes lol" pic I made.
I tested out a few drawing programs and recently fully swapped to Krita after CSP fucked with AI generation as a selling point. They also went back on their pay once, own forever model by making their latest version subscription only, so fuck CSP imho.

I'm really impressed with Krita and tbh I strongly recommend giving it a fair chance by remapping your most used hotkeys then trying it out.
Specifically what blew my mind is its advanced texture/mixing features : 
Basically you can smudge not by averaging the whole area under the brush but smudging what's already there more individually
Here's a preview 3yrs old vid that showcase some of it but it even works with continuous brushes. 
Maybe I'm dumb and you can do stuff like that in CSP too but I only saw it in PS before.

Anyway Krita is best since sliced bread.
Rebelle is also fun and worth checking out but probably most useful if you have traditional painting background/knowledge, otherwise it's much more complex imho

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