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Enter the machine by Scree

Enter the machine


Doodled during an OC session with solidscale.

While checking out an isolated computer lab, Lu and Solid appear to have stumbled upon quite a treasure - a computer mainframe, connected to all manner of high-tech gadgets, and loaded with a huge collection of simulations and games. Most notably of all, the system appears to be the home to some sort of artificial intelligence, a helpful interface who was only to happy to answer any questions they had.
Why, that device to the left? Oh, that's a holographic projector. Hard light, you know. Allows the AI to manifest and project a physical presence to interact with anyone in the same room. Oh, that booth to the right? Why, that's the fruit of all our research here - it's a digitiser, capable of transcribing physical objects into electronic data, and vice versa! With that, anyone who steps inside can be inserted into the network's simulation system!

Renasolid decided to give it a go, especially after finding a fighting game in the list of available applications, and soon wound up delivering some righteous punching. Ludash, meanwhile soon found that this was no mere neural hookup - the booth was empty, all trace of his companion having vanished into the digital realm...

Submission Information

Visual / Digital