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Lucien by Scheknul



Art (c): etrii

Lucien (c): Scheknul

Having lived a life of loneliness, and darkness, Lucien was especially challenging. Hatching next to his dead mother, who from the looks of her, fought hard to protect her nest. With out any concepts of love, or guidance, Lucien had to raise himself. Strong from the get-go. Unable to fly, but could move like a lizard. Climbing trees for insects, and smaller mammals. There were many incidents, where predators thought of him as a would-be meal, but wound up as his dinner instead. Though, as fate would have it, Lucien was eventually cornered by poachers for his wings. Backed onto a cliff face with nowhere to go. Never having flown before, he had little choice, but to fall, or be captured. As if instinct were to take over, his wings opened, and he flew. Sloppy, but he got away. Looking back to see how far he had gotten, he didn't see the branch he was about to collide with. Upon impact, he was knocked unconscious, and fell through several trees. breaking both wings, both of his hind legs, snapping his tail open in the middle, and dislocating his right shoulder, and completely dislocating his jaw. As usual, Scheknul was strolling through his forest, picking wild fruit for his dinner. Sensing danger, he took up a combat posture, but didn't expect the twisted body of a young Wyvern to crash down onto him. He was heavy. How ever, Scheknul managed to carry the young male, back to his castle. Bringing him to Jade, Scheknul's healing expert, he watched over. Upon relocating Lucien's arm, he awoke, and flopped away screeching. Both Jade, and Scheknul calmly knelt down, and explained that he was safe, but badly hurt. That, they were going to care for him, if he let them, and that they wanted him to join them as a friend. He was in agony. Unable to move his legs, or jaw which hung lazily. Yet, he crawled over to Jade out of both fear, and promise. "This is going to hurt. Be ready." Jade places both of her fore-paws upon Lucien's jaw, and slowly lifted. With a bit of magic, Lucien's jaw bone became soft. Lifting hard, but deliberately, she re-seated his jaw. Lucien's eyes rolled back into his skull as he fell unconscious again. Jade smiled, and looked to Scheknul. "You know as an evil maniacal Necromancer, you've come into quite the position of loving, and caring." He said nothing, but kept watching. Jade frowned a bit, but returned to her work. Her paw-pads glowed maroon as she touched his legs. "He has an infection, but it was there before he broke himself. I believe I can remove it." She worked hard, and eventually re-seated his legs, and closed his wounds. Working next, over Lucien's tail. His tail didn't take very long to re-sea, and heal, which was surprising, considering the damage to it. Lastly, Jade moved to his wings. Hare paw-pads turned Emerald in color, to restore flight. Wing bones are especially brittle, so she helped them hurry along their evolution into firmer bones, with the same density. They'd be a bit heavier, but he'd become a stronger flyer, because of it. After a time, the process was over. Scheknul hoisted the young Wyvern onto his shoulder, and carried him to a room. Leaving the door open some, so that he wouldn't feel trapped, Scheknul left, but left food for him. Ainmire stood watch over the young male. When days passed, he finally awoke, and immediately ate his food. Ainmire reported to Scheknul, and he appeared. He offered Lucien a home, safety, and spell training to become stronger. He also promised that, he would be able to seek revenge against those that forced him into such pain. Lucien pounced Scheknul, and clung to him, shaking. Scheknul stood back up, and carried him outside. "All of this, all of it can be yours. If you join us, and promise to protect it, as we protect you." Lucien looked up, and licked Scheknul's chin. "We will have to teach you to speak as well. Your understanding is good, but your inability to communicate isn't." He set Lucien down in front of him. "Your training begins tomorrow, if you're up to it." From then on, Lucien was either following Scheknul where ever he went, or was with Jade, learning spells.

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