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Update 2020 by SBTW

Update 2020


This was done Yesturday (28Nov2020)

Ok, just to CLARIFIED, under panel 5 and 9 mention I would stop drawing in 2 years.
Should have been said "Will be posting less now but will still be drawing"
Just to make it clear as I didn't write down the script for this one, which I should
,but think I just gun it and write it out

Now that is clear out, Time for me to explain if i can

Ok so basically, not sure why I would state that but just came into mind one day that it was already been decide
My count down is my age and I sometimes remind myself till i turn 30 to whether to continue posting, post less or stop
But will see.

Now on to the other matter, I checked, literally check on how many OC i have.
Appreantly 60 plus though maybe few is co-own and some maybe retired int he back of my mine.
Some still active though need to draw them more -3-. So yes, got somethings to do now during my
10 day break (but still doing IRL work just the social media turning off notification).

think that is about it so far, I think. But yeah, been inactive a lot since January or February not sure.

Anyways that all and take care

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Visual / Digital