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Featured Friday - Soul Shinoda & Development Preview by sanctumpolis

Featured Friday - Soul Shinoda & Development Preview


Hello Dreamwalkers,

This Featured Friday is a big one. As many of you may have guessed, we have been hinting at some changes that are being made to Sanctum Polis - Rest Eternal Memory as a whole. Through much discussion with the team and with fan feedback about Sanctum Polis as a whole, we have decided to go forward with quite a few changes.

First, we have taken a hard look at our script and realized that in order to enhance both the gameplay aspects and the story elements, the male and female schools had to be combined. Moving forward, Solaris Notre University is co-ed but with separate dorms. This lends itself to a few large changes in our original script; however, we firmly believe that this will only help to increase the level of engagement for the player.

Also, we recently announced our collaboration with Heroic Stand, an indie development company, as a means of creating a more immersive and detailed gaming experience. Those of you who have won contests or donated received a sneak peek at what they have been putting together. We now want to release that to the rest of our fanbase to see what you think.

To see the latest development updates, follow the link here:

Some rather big modifications have been made to the overworld and battle animations due to the large amount of feedback you our fans have eagerly given us. With this new direction, we know that Sanctum Polis - REM will be worth every hard worked hour.

Lastly, the change that most of you probably noticed by now is the one attached: our portrait art. Alongside the new overworld and battle sequence, we found that this new art direction will more fluidly connect the pieces within the world that we have created.

As always, we welcome your questions and comments since none of this would be possible without you. Thank you for your continued support and helping us keep the dream alive.

From all of us on the Quadrangle Game Development Team

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


  • Link

    Anything playable yet?

    It's been more than a year of development at this point, I'm sure, and the year anniversary of the kickstarter is coming up in a month.

    Crowdfunding an indie game is really difficult, even more difficult if the developer has never released a game before... but it's near impossible without at least a couple minutes of gameplay for potential patrons to chew on!

    You won't be able to rely on selling vanity characters to furry whale donors forever, eventually you'll have to appeal to normal gamers, too... the gamers that have been burnt on vaporware and misleading prerelease media before, folks that "will believe it when they see it."

    • Link

      Hello Dogpencil,

      We are very appreciative of the advice you've been giving us. We certainly hope to apeal to the greater RPG gaming community and it is thanks to the input fans like you have sent our way that we have decided to rehaul our assets. Unfortunatly this has delayed our planned playable demo release but due to the failure of our crowd funding efforts we've taken a step back to recreate the game. We certainly appreciate the generous donations of our loyal followers but as of right now the majority of our efforts are and will continue to be predominantly self funded until we release a playable demonstration of our game. At that time we may seek to rekick our project. Unfortunately this is a labor that takes a lot of time and this new art direction took us a step back but we hope you will all appreciate it once the game is said and done. This is a labor of love on our part and we do seek to release a game, but one were proud of that is neither rushed nor put together poorly. We understand you can't wait, and to be honest neither can we. We can't wait to show you what we've been working so hard on.

      • Link

        Good luck, y'all.

        Sounds like you'll have ammo for a really thoughtful post-mortem writeup once you get something out the door!