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Elyasia-arc 00 preview by SalyaDarken

Elyasia Arc 00 Preview

Chapter One
It was a chaotic time with no rules other then one mage.  This one woman couldn't stop the dragon war that ran over the lands of the long forgotten realm. This mage didn't have any help get sent for some help, yet got no word.

The mage was a young looking female with long flowing black hair that stopped at her knees and long bangs that hung in her doll like face and ended at her breast. Her eyes were of deep sea-green that showed that she was annoyed with the fighting outside of her tower.

She walked up the steps to the top of her tall tower. Once she stepped outside onto the small balcony off the side of the roof, she felt the bad energy that the battles that was always happening. She looked around and sighed as she wrapped her arms around her body. “Those...battles need to end...soon….but how to stop it?”

Just then a small blue dragon landed behind her on top of her tower. “Why not get two rulers? Or then one ruler could work?” The dragon asked. The dragon was a male from what she guess, since it sounded like a male...

Chapter two
...Lyne stepped through the portal first, then the girls came out after her. Lyne's cloths went back to her normal silver robes as her hair went back to being long. She turned to the girls to see that Kira's cute goth black and white dress changed to a black kimono as Lyra's gray, black and light grayish purple dress changed to a white kimono.

Lyne didn't understand it but thought it was their magic that did it. So she let it slid as she summoned a map of the land and laid it down on the grass, in front of her tower. She knelt down with the girls. “This is Elyasia's lands. We are here.” She pointed at the area where her tower was. “And this is the northern lands and this is the southern lands.” She said, pointing which lands as she talked.

Lyra looked at the map and blinked. “If we sister are ruling over this” She asked softly.

The mage thought a bit. “Well one will rule over the north near the Spirit realm and Human realm borders. As the other one will rule over the south near the Demon realm and Shadow realm borders.”

Kira giggled. “I want the southern lands.”

“And I'll...take the northern lands.”

Lyne nodded. “Every well but first I need to teach you about Elyasia before this war gets out of hand.” She said with a sigh...

Chapter three
...Without anyone noticing, Lyne had the girls pick out things for their castles. One in the southern lands in an area where Kira picked as another in the northern area where Lira picked. The girls got to design their new homes without really noticing since Lyne wasn't giving any hints.

Then the day came. Lyne summoned Rain to take over Lira's teaching in the northern castle. Then summoned June only to get the silver haired hyper mage and Yue's mean brother. Lyne didn't question it but she got June to take over Kira's teaching.

Once the girls were gone, Lyne was able to rest without someone poping questions at her or something else. Yet the mage was a bit lonely but didn't say anything. However, she was finally able to notice that the dragons had stopped their war and when into hiding or just calmed down. Which made the mage smiled as she went to her library...

If you want to read more of Arc 00, then go to Elyasia's site.

Elyasia-arc 00 preview


Just preview of arc 00 with small parts of the first 3 chapters. Sadly Elyasia is WIP. but here's something to get my site and story more fans. =3

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Literary / Other