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TUGS!Humans - Hercules 2017 by Sadalsuud-Staridae

TUGS!Humans - Hercules 2017


  • Gave the old boy gloves, updating from his previous four designs where he didn’t have/wear them

  • Like Ten Cents and Sunshine’s, Hercules’ uniform is multi-seasonal; for the most part, I’ll probably give him a scarf for winterwear at best. He doesn’t feel the cold that much I suspect

  • Kept the little trinket Lillie gave him, plus the turtleneck sweater. He’s also taken to wearing a thermal collared undershirt under the sweater because overkill thy name is a certain Ocean-goer lol

  • Threw out that previous coat design; replaced it with a much simpler (and easier to draw ohmygods) design.

  • Hercules is 6″3, and is second tallest in the fleet (tallest being Top Hat at 6″4.5)

  • Hercules wears heavy-duty steel-capped waterproof workboots. All the better to kick a certain Zed-Stack’s @$$, but I digress (no, no I don’t XD)…

Hercules’ visual design needed SO. MUCH. WORK. oh my heavens did it ever…

His proportions are hella off-kilter here (drew on an angle, my bad!) and I ran out of room to draw his full body (and I bet Top Hat’s gonna be the same damn way, gfdi XD), but I’m really happy with how this turned out. Less positioning lines this time save for his folded arms…because drawing that right the first time without fucking it up is a bloody first for me :D

I’ve finally learned how to draw that %$#^ing eagle on the right angle, I’m so proud, you’ve no goddamned idea!!!

I don’t know why I keep drawing Hercules with a ponytail. I don’t even fucking KNOW, aha. I guess that’s my personal touch/fanon, I don’t know, I just think he would have one -shrugs-

And if you hear me refer to Hercules as Ten Cents’ elder brother, it’s not because of that other show that most TUGS fan would rather DIAF, it’s because of their identical silver eagle decals, and their interactions throughout the series (however limited, but the books are pretty descriptive regardless)…and the fanon’s been really helpful on that front too.

…so of course I end up redrawing my trio of favourites.
I'm predictable as absolute hell these days XD

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