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2015 Ref Sheet - Dizzy and Wes by Ryan-SilverFox

2015 Ref Sheet - Dizzy and Wes


This ref sheet's a bit special... since the two characters are twins, I decided to merge ther reference sheets into one. So, here are Dizzy and Wes, the panda twins! Dizzy's info will be on the left, while Wes' will be on the right where applicable...

Name: Dizzy / Wes
Gender: Female / Male
Age: 20
Species: Panda
Height: 5'7" (without ears)
Weight: 185 lbs. / 180 lbs.
Orientation: Heterosexual
Origin: China
Hobbies: Writing, Movies, Machines / Games (computer & tabletop), Computer Programming

BIO: Dizzy and Wes were born in China and moved to North America while they were infants. Dizzy was named for the odd spiral markings on her back. Her father literally said that they were making him dizzy and the word inspired them. Wes' name also was inspired from the "W" shaped markings across his shoulders. Being a fan of director Wes Craven also helped. Ironically, it would be the extroverted sister Dizzy who inheirited her dad's love of movies. Wes, on the other hand, was more introverted and lived much of his life behind a computer screen, which he excelled at. It should be noted that both twins have another odd trait than their fur patterns - the curls on the top of their heads and single bang in the front. While Dizzy's curl in one direction, Wes' curl in the other. They made a promise to each other to never change that element of their hair, as it was a kind of cute connection between them.

When the two moved out, money was tight, so they got an apartment together. Although their personalities tend to clash, they somehow work through it.

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Visual / Digital