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the Babylong Rogue Team with Gears and ship models by Runnhurd

the Babylong Rogue Team with Gears and ship models


HERE is one of the set of models I am working on right now

the babylong Rogues as Sonic Gen models

I am working on their models smoving them out getting them the size in Sonic Gen models and updated some Details on their Gear boreds.

their ship will be updated to on the outside details and inside as well, as you can see Jet's room has already been updated in some details, and Wave's Room is being work on right now to

AND the image of the room with the carry ship part is to show you the size of the room to the ship.

Once these Models complated that fully Rig to Gmod and SFM, all models here be Free to download for them formates of witch you perfer to use.

I hope you can all wait for these cause it about time we got them in Sonic Style and not Sonic Riders Style only.

and we get their ship to.

I hope you will all enjoy this once it all finish ^^ the Babylon Rogues Pack

Submission Information

Visual / Modeling / Sculpture


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    Can you convert them to OBJ format for Blender, please?

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    Will you email me when you have the model done?

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    for OBJ format please

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      I not got around to finishing them yet ^^; check my FA account I put a journal about finishing them