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Garg Sketchdump by Rowkey

Garg Sketchdump


Ah, the ensuing madness of figuring what the heck's already been uploaded here! I think all of these are new to this gallery, in any case. These are my gargoyles! I've been drawing them on and off for years, and I really need to do them the justice of sitting down and figuring out their world. So far I know:

  • The little ferret-dachshund-bird-looking one is named Gringoire, or Grin. Curious, happy, if a bit naive. A horrible backseat-driver!
  • Buff fella is named either Odilon or Eidolon. He's a bit of an Eeyore kind of guy.
  • Many gargoyles are employed by human/humanoid scientists and architects as astronomers, stonemasons, guards, and...sometimes waterspouts, let's be real. They're probably hired to capture basilisks as well.
  • This world has golems made from rock and clay alike. Golems and gargoyles get very testy around one another, something about differences in work ethic. :B
  • I'm thinking that the stones, rocks, minerals, ore, et al are properly alive in some way in this world, but I haven't figured how this relates to gargoyles' church-perching habits or their relationship to hominids and religion.

    MEDIA: mostly graphite, some pen and brush pen thrown in

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Visual / Sketch


  • Link

    I love these guys so very very much

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      Eee, thank ya!

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    I love your gargoyles. Years ago I was so fascinated by how you drew them I tried to make a gargoyle character and it was so silly looking. I have to say I much prefer your character and gargoyle design over my own haha!

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      Thank you!!

      They're...definitely a tough mix of ingredients, ha. I eventually ditched the actual proper gargoyle-with-waterspout thing for Grin since the end result was so odd looking at every discernible angle. >:T

      here's a gift