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Asterismos : Nefilibata by Rowedahelicon

Asterismos : Nefilibata



(N) : One who lives in the clouds of their own dreams

Nefilibata is a Portuguese word which comes from "nephele" (Cloud) and "batha" (A place where you can walk).

It is basically another term for maverick, the full meaning of which includes "One who does not abide by the precepts of society, literature, or art ; an unconventional, unorthodox person. Being called a nefilibata can be good or bad, depending on the context in which it is used, it doesn't necessarily instantly translate to a beautiful reasoning.

I consider myself one not from my own perception, but more that my actions and the input of those around me have put me here. You can only be called weird or different so many times until you start to embrace it. I grew up being weird, I was always "that kid". Even when I left to take on home-schooling I retained a lot of my weirdness.

I became nocturnal, an artist, I began to walk a lot and take long walks at night. I've always slept on the wrong side of my bed, always laughed at the weirder stuff. The list can go on and on, but at that point I think I'd come off like I was trying to be different.

I don't consider myself a "special snowflake" , I don't do anything unique that no one else has done ever, I simply fit in better with a different crowd of folks. As they say with art, we all see things differently. I just see life differently from most other folk.

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Visual / Digital