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Roland and Skye Share a Smoke by RolandGuiscard

Roland and Skye Share a Smoke


Alternative Characters: Skye Bridges

I dunno what it says about me that after becoming infatuated with Skye and being grateful that Emmm let me adopt her as a character I asked to show us hanging out rather than doing anything sexual. I'm hoping it implies I'm more than just a horn dog, at least when it comes to tomboys and their male equivalents, but it could just be your typical loneliness.

I told Emmm to go wild with the outfits and he did not disappoint. I literally ended up growing out my hair (although I didn't dye it pink) to match this picture, and adopted the "thrift shop casual" look that would keep me going until law school, and which still influences my look today. And I can't say enough how much I love it when a gal wears men's clothing instead of girly fru-fru stuff.

Also we see Roland continuing his descent into cartoon cancer sticks, the poor boy. Don't worry, he'll give those up eventually...Then take them up again in 2020 ;P

Roland and Skye are (tm) me, art by Emmm, art for hire is (c) me!

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