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Princess Rainbow StarKiller by RogueSareth

Princess Rainbow StarKiller


Sparkly pink unicorns!

Shes loosely based off the giant pink unicorn plush my boyfriend got me for Valentines Day, Who I named Princess Rainbow StarKiller lol

I’ve been wanting to draw some unicorns and magical horses for a while. I used to be THAT kid when I was younger and some of my favorite movies included Rainbow Brite and the star stealer, PJ Sparkles, Spirit, and The Last Unicorn

One of my favorite book series was The Unicornes of Balinor and I had horse and unicorn figurines and posters ALL over my room.

I’m not sure why I ever stopped being into that? Anime probably. I got really obsessed with anime in highschool.

Anyways, this is also partly inspired by finally finishing Gravity Falls and the episode The Last Mabelcorn and @probablyfakeblonde s art of Celestabellebetabelle ( and her unicorn art in general)

Also nice to see I can still slip into the Spirit style of drawing horses. No one online has ever seen my old old drawings of Spirit style horses but I used to draw them CONSTANLY and it used to be the only thing I could draw realistically when I was younger were horses ( I had several of those ‘how to draw horses’ books)

Anyways, enough rambling. Expect more magical horses and unicorns from me XD

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