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Engineer's Workshop & Guard Station by Red Dragonette

Engineer's Workshop & Guard Station

Red Dragonette

One of the places seen at Nelson's Dockyard.

"The Guard Station and the Engineer's Workshop is a long single storey brick building situated on the western perimeter wall of Dockyard compound. It was built in two phases: the rear section of Engineer's Storage (iron and nails etc.) and Workshop in 1776 and the Guard Station in 1778.

The Guards were stationed at the northern end, which is also the location of the main entry gate to the compound. At the Porter's Lodge of the Guard Station, the rules and regulations of the Dockyard were inscribed on a notice board. The engineer's working area including, after 1843, a blacksmith shop and forge at the extreme southern end. The entry doors have stone ramps to permit the rolling of barrels into the structure. There are two chimneys that served the forge and blacksmiths."

The top paragraph of the exhibit sign had a few words too hard for me to read. I had the camera on small size mode when taking pictures so that I don't have to resize them in Adobe Photoshop. Plus, I was running low on memory, so I had to go small to save lots of spaces to take more shots.

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Visual / Photography