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BOOM Jamma Lamba aka Jaime by ReDaDillio

BOOM Jamma Lamba aka Jaime


This was really a whirlwind idea that caught me off guard.

So I wanted a new sheep character, one that was more gentle and plush (unlike my Eve which is an antithesis). At the same time, was was thinking of the Pillow War idea. Now I would like to make a better version of it, but I promised myself to focus on original characters and let other established characters be inspiration.

So that led to making a character who takes pillow fighting seriously. Like those particular episodes of Community seriously (Lava Floor, Pillow Fort). Like Street Fighter, but with an innocent pillow fighting angle. This lead to a frantic sleepless night of how this idea would work and suffice it to say, I caught the flu that night and haven't had the strength the her until today. :/

Anywho, new character (she may be the bustiest character I've designed yet). New concept that I may explore further (Epic Pillow Fight League or Makuranage).

This was a collab character in a way, and I want to thank the following people for their contributions:
:icontabbiewolf: For suggesting a Welsh Sheep for the species
:iconyawg: For unintentionally inspiring her name
:iconimmortalpanda: For coloring supervision and suggesting the bunny print on the pants!

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    She's actually pretty super hot. :3

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    Pillow fight wars? That sounds interesting as heck.