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Dedicated To David Dorn, Speak His Name! by RandomPurpleKitty

Dedicated To David Dorn, Speak His Name!


This Man's death needs more awareness yet I don't see any damn mainstream media or celebrities saying a damn thing about this. Where's the nationally televised memorial service for him, multiple funerals , wheres the murals dedicated to him across the country, where is the money that these celebrities have donated to Georgia Floyd and his family but has yet to do it for people like David Dorn's family, Dave Patrick underwood's family, Chris Beaty's family and many others. No one is protesting over their deaths. I was already feeling conflicted enough with the whole situation that is happening now and I thought I was already absolutely disgusted enough when I saw this horrible excuse of a cop kill George Floyd but as soon as I saw the video of David Dorn dying on the floor bleeding while nobody gave a damn to help him (which that image will forever be burned in my head anytime I think about the events happening) I just can't hold these feelings back anymore.
This is why we can’t move on from racism because the people who claim that they care about a persons life, only cares if that person meets a certain criteria, it’s gross, we need to do more to stop racism. we need to care more, no matter the race (wether its a white cop killing a black man, black man killing another black man, a cop killing a white man, etc.) and no matter where in the world. All lives matter because we're all human, and that is the only trait that should truly matter. At the end of the day we all go through suffering and injustice, we have privileges that others outside of our country might not have, have the ability to be a decent human being without categorizing everyone by a label.

There's more feelings I have but this is all I'll say about this for now, im stressing out and probably need to take a break for my mental health so I still won't be posting much but I just want to spread awareness about David Dorn since the media, certain political people, and celebrities won't give a damn and do it for him (even if it might not be enough, I still want to try since I feel strongly about this. Maybe when I can I'll draw more people who have unfairly had their life taken away from them and have yet have any awareness, of course they may not be the best since im not the best at drawing people so please forgive me).

Hope all of you guys stay safe and well despite whats happening currently.

UPDATE: Found a Donation for David Dorn on Fundly, If you are able to either spread awareness about it or donate please do.

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    Thank you for posting. In England I had not heard about this brave man and how he died. I have just watched the CNN report about suspects being arrested. We have the same kind of scum in this country, piece-full protests in the last few days have been used as an excuse to riot by people both black and white the difference is we have laws in this country which mean few of them have access to guns thank God and a police force which while it's not perfect is accountable and properly trained.

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    of course,i just wished the mainstream media focused more on other's deaths that I had mentioned but hey to them all they care about is pushing a narrative which disgusts me since they are extorting people's lives for their benefit. Hope you have a nice day and stay safe

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    You did good with his memory. This good cop should not have died like this. What a real mess these past fews have been. Keep honoring the good people who are a part of the communities all over.