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XohnnyRaddox Ref Sheet by RainbowFoxy

XohnnyRaddox Ref Sheet


Reference sheet and fursona/character design for XohnnyRaddox!


Artwork © Rainbow-Foxy, characters belong to their rightful owners; do not repost, re-distribute, use, edit, etc. without express and explicit permission.
DO NOT repost my work on tumblr, Facebook, Google+, or use for roleplay without permission/credit and link back!
if you find my work posted without credit and on any other sites/accounts other than mine listed here:, it has been reposted WITHOUT permission

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Visual / Digital


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    and you've returned with excellent art!~ love this yeen

    i'm all in favor of translating peoples body types into characters, makes for much more interesting art than a potential ideal body type, whatever that may be for someone.

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      aaah, thank you so much! Hopefully I will have more work to come; so far I'm just recuperating from a work-heavy semester and I've mostly just been sketching in sketchbooks as of late (i post sketches and stuff daily to IG and Twitter but rarely have anything finished to show in galleries unfortunately x__x )

      Fursonas that resemble the people they represent are my absolute favorite, accurate body types and accurate aesthetics are so fun to play with. Thats how I modeled my current fursona/that of my partner and I always have fun making them for friends I know well! Theres something rewarding about someone looking at a fantastical nonhuman entity that is distant from being human, and someone says, "hey! that looks just like you!"

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        so far I'm just recuperating from a work-heavy semester and I've mostly just been sketching in sketchbooks as of late

        I feel you on this. I have a li'll sketchbook for staying warmed up in the eyeballs and arm, but not much to show gallery posting wise. I do have a sketchbook folder here but then again, it's effort in its own right to document all that work. I used to make sketchpage collages like summaries. perhaps bundling together a few of those IG posts into some pages?

        Theres something rewarding about someone looking at a fantastical nonhuman entity that is distant from being human, and someone says, "hey! that looks just like you!"

        The ultimate reward. And... "just like you but COOLER!" ;D

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          For now I'm mostly sticking to IG and Twitter! I get more interaction on there anyway and I post daily. Collaging things together, like documenting stuff, is definitely some effort on its own X__x I don't think I'll be doing that, but I am strongly thinking on opening a patreon this summer and making it the go-to first place I will post EVERYTHING I draw as soon as I draw it c: And since that will get me into documenting things anyway, I might cross post elsewhere way after there ^^

          Gosh yes, the best! :D

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            IG is good for immediate in-the-moment working. i find the small screens a little limiting, and even on desktops it is not quite the same experience as opening a full image in the browser. it's great you get daily postings and interactions!

            patreon is a great curation tool. the things stopping me from doing that rn is the ability to put out a constant workload, but it sounds like you have the daily art thing really well established.

            i would suggest, if i may, absolutely cross-posting and waiting like... a MONTH after you post on patreon to do so. would generate further interest for non-paying viewers to get in on the latest scoop you have.

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              thats true! I feel like if I wait so long then my social media will die though x__x and the purpose might be defeated if I do that with comms and the commissioner posts the thing early before I do. I might do that with school and personal projects maybe? if i put together a patreon it will include parts of my sketchbook and wips I don't post online.

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                it won't be a defeated purpose. your circle of followers may not overlap with their followers, and you would be ensuring your followers who can't commission you yet will see your work if the commissioner posts it and they do not follow them.

                also social media is a way to generate continued interest, and often as a professional you need to post the same thing multiple times a day for the people who check their media at certain times only. this feels redundant but ups your chance for exposure with minimal effort.

                patreon would be good for exceptionally high resolution images and the primary content as well as those sketches. this depends on if you know your patrons enjoy the process or the final result better. whichever they seem to prefer less, i would suggest that be the content for public social media.