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Off Hours by RaddaRaem

Off Hours


Some more art, and a little story snippet, to go with my big bun photographer, Angela! And her cutie kitty coworker Felicia.

Absolutely amazing art comes courtesy of Gravewalker! As does the Sunny cameo. :D

“Just… I… how?” Felicia asked in disbelief as Angela clicked through the contents of her memory card. Faint beeps accompanied every press of the rabbit’s mottled black and white fingers.

Eyes half lidded, Angela smirked and shimmied her shoulders. Without fail, every picture proved pristine. Raw and unfiltered emotion filled every frame. Be it discomfort, hesitation, delight, or bashfulness, the photographer had managed to capture it all! Her telescope turned camera, ever watchful, caught those unseen moments where the masks their various interviewees wore fell away completely.

“You little… big… shit! Tell meeeeee!” Felicia playfully mrowed as she kicked her legs back and forth against her coworker’s knee.

“Now why would I go and give away my trade secrets?” the checkered rabbit mused aloud. She giggled as tiny kitty paws continued to pap against her toned legs.

“Because I’m your boss?” the black cat snarked.

Angela rested her arm upon the roof of the pharmacy she was leaning into and drew deeply of the humid summer air. “Come on, you can do better than that,” she teased. Her self-assured smile slowly faded as the silence she received in response continued to drag out. “C-cut me some slack, we’re off hours!”

The rabbit’s ears flopped down at the snickers and barely restrained laughter from the feline perched atop her knee.

“I’ll get back to buttering you up when you admit it was a team effort,” Felicia replied.

“That’s it?” Angela raspberried as she shifted in place. Her ample rear, clad in snugly fitting cargo shorts, spilled across more parking spots than she cared to admit. Those buns of hers were baking on that black and yellow asphalt.

“What do you mean that’s it?” Felicia huffed as she tied her chocolate colored hair into a ponytail.

Angela’s ears perked up at the various beeps and clicks as she tilted her camera at an angle. She carefully swiveled her leg back and forth until her kitty coworker could view what was currently displayed on screen. “I mean…”

A slideshow kicked alive on the scratched and dirtied screen. Pictures of pothole pocked roads, cracked sidewalks, and forgotten parking lots that had scabbed over with weeds blended into one another. At least until the documentation of urban decay was interrupted by a blatant selfie.

“Woops,” the checked rabbit nervously laughed off before deleting it.

“And this is going where?” Felicia asked incredulously.

“I’m getting there,” Angela replied. The next picture to fade in from the black was that of a cat. A sharply dressed reporter, clipboard in hand, waving up at the camera. Her blouse and skirt fluttering in the wind behind her.

"Feels weird thinking I was just the web editor all of a few months ago," Felicia thought out loud.

Another click.

Felicia’s likeness transitioned away from the camera. Navigating the various cracks and imperfections of the sloped sidewalk, she waved down a fellow feline strolling out of a shop.

Angela let the slideshow continue at its current pace as she held her camera up closer towards her coworker.

On screen, Felicia stood there side by side with the golden furred and freckled feline with her clipboard held out before her. Brows furrowed uncertainly, the feline, who over the course of the interview came to introduce herself as Sunny, regarded Felicia’s request for an interview uncertainly.

“Just how many pictures did you take?” Felicia asked while she rolled up the sleeves of her blouse.

“Keep watching,” Angela encouraged her.

The next picture made both of their stomachs lurch as the ground practically leapt up towards them. “Was setting up my shot,” the rabbit explained as she tucked her chin against her chest and couldn’t help but notice pebbles caught within the wrinkles on her shirt. Laying down in the middle of the road will do that, she thought with a shrug.

From there, the contents and framing of the photographs changed dramatically. Angela’s point of view was now eye level with those of her subjects. Felicia’s pleasant smile remained and a faint one had come to grace Sunny’s visage as well.

Yet another click.

Felicia’s eyes had gone wide at the notebook Sunny produced and shyly leaned in close to share. On the following picture, the golden furred feline turned her notebook towards the camera and bashfully displayed what she claimed passed for artistic prowess. Felicia excitedly clapped at Sunny’s back while an oversized and fluffy thumbs up blotted out the right half of the picture.

One last click.

Tongue sticking out between her lips, the black cat scribbled at her clipboard while Sunny watched on curiously. Angela couldn’t help but snicker as it transitioned to the penultimate picture in the album.

“Don’t laugh!” Felicia playfully scolded.

Lips scrunched, Angela failed to keep a straight face and simply let the photograph say everything for her. Clipboard held out before her, the black cat proudly displayed a whiskered stick figure crafted in her own likeness. A spectacularly crappy one, at that. At her side, Sunny allowed a wide and genuine smile to crease her lips as she crossed her arms about her chest and posed with her fellow artist.

Rolling her thumb along one of the many knobs lining the top of her camera, Angela zoomed in on Sunny and her unguarded moment of delight. “I can’t make, I can’t force people to open up like that. That’s all you,” the sizable photographer acknowledged.

Felicia bashfully ran a hand through her hair as she let her eyes catch her own reflection in the windows lining the top of the pharmacy. “I guess so, huh?”

“I know so! Also, you can go back to buttering me up now,” Angela teased as she gently bounced her leg.

“Oh my God, you are absolutely insatiable,” the black cat chuckled.

“Hop to it!” her vertically gifted co-worker tutted.

Felicia groaned. “And now you’re throwing rabbit puns in too.”

Brows arched, Angela proceeded to soak in the equally sincere and sarcastic praise that her boss proceeded to shower her with. Bringing her camera up close to her chest, the checkered rabbit subtly swiped to the last picture in the album.

The feline stood alone upon the curb, wind blowing through her hair and her eyes cast towards the camera. Those tiny teeth of hers poked from between those lips as she asked how Angela was doing.

A gentle warmth filling her cheeks, the rabbit shut off her camera and let her black and white splotched tail flit behind her contentedly.

Submission Information

Visual / Traditional