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Thunderest of Thighs by RaddaRaem

Thunderest of Thighs


Art by Bobert!

Celia's heavy feet thoomed loudly against the asphalt. Her paws, clad in yellow fur and swollen in size, carried the thickening Eeveelution across the city urban landscape ease. The Jolteon's thunderest of thighs clapped together with her every step and sent thunderous reverberations echoing commandingly across entire city blocks.

"R-Radda? Sheepy, I appreciate you joining me for my jog but umm... we really didn't think this through very well did we? It really couldn't have ended any other way with two Electric-Types that know Static sticking together for any amount of time now that I think about it." Celia shuddered as errant zaps and jolts of electricity coursed through her frame and caused her to swell ever on up and out. Grunting, she tucked her chin against a shoulder. The white mane of fur wrapped around the Pokemorph's neck tickled at her broad back and the tops of her bloated breasts.

Even if it was only in the periphery of her vision, Celia's astronmical ass jiggled noticeably. "A-any chance you can try and tug yourself free?"

Bleats and blushy bahhs sounded out from her rear. His girlfriend's Static overwhelming his own, the Mareep found himself all but embedded into her buttcheeks. With every unintended jolt from his wooly frame he could feel the wobbling hills of flesh tug him tighter against them as they steadily swelled. Furry folds of fat gently came to envelop him.

"I'll take that as a no," the Jolteon worriedly replied. Mmffff. She had really liked the exercise outfit she'd picked out for herself too. At least before she went and just growsploded right out of it. "Well." Thighs scraping up against the sides of buildings now, she sighed. With every swing of her gait gales of wind came roaring past her as every thooming footfall brought her forward blocks at a time. "Least it shouldn't take me long to find some help at this rate."

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    The worst part about this is that all those zappy reep blushes will probably accomplish little more than continued growth on that big booty Jolty's behalf! |3

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      If I didn't know any better I would think you want that to come to pass! :3