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Soul Trumpet by QuentixStarwing

Soul Trumpet

From within a fanfare awaits
There as beginning to end sits
Only beyond words does it go
With eyes that gain focus and narrow with success
Only to find that one with a heart
Turned up in turmoil.

The soul changes
It chants like a whisper
Gathering like a song
Working like a take of solid gain
Never like a quiver in measure

Dead on with the valor of the measure
Take on the sacred daze
Found by the numerous angles
All one can ever take the cold edge
Breaking hide, hair, and taking measure of spirit

It is point of Dancing spirit, like a pinched eagle gripping a borrowed line
Let the trumpeter play for you, a bonafide wisp of giving duty
As you are enchanted long and simple but a gift from the lower heavens

Soul Trumpet.

Soul Trumpet


Another one born of random thoughts, here is what we say in surprise: Thoughts came from ridges of the mind and we get this, the Soul Trumpet in all of its glory! Please enjoy this one, it is a little strange, but it was fun to write, like most!

Please R&R!

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