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OLD ART: Shall We Dance? - 2008 by Quaylak

OLD ART: Shall We Dance? - 2008


Old art from 2008!

These are two Murai (a canid species I created) from back in the day when I used to RP on a forum.

At festivals, special occasions, and celebrations, the Murai are capable of dancing. They don't stand on two legs to do so, however. Instead, one Murai will grip the end of a thick, woven piece of cloth (created specifically for the purpose of dancing, so it may be highly-decorated), while their partner will grip the opposite end (yes, they look like two dogs playing tug-of-war). The male is usually the one to lead, so he is the one who usually spins his partner and gives her the ability to "float" through the air, should she chose. She, on the other hand, is responsible for following his lead and adding the aspect of beauty and grace to their motions. She is typically the focus of the dance. It is not uncommon for some Murai to perform spectacular tricks and feats while dancing, such as mid-air flips and spins (think ice-skating). It is a hard art to perfect, but many couples are willing to dedicate the time, patience, and trust required to get it right. Dancing may also be used during religious practices and ceremonies.

Characters © Their Creators
Artwork © Me

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    Just so sweet! X3
    And of course, love how it reminds me of The King and I. <:D