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Sakebu by psyconicdepth

Sakebu ch. 1

As he started to run down the hallway he glance down at his watch. "Shit! I'm late!" He clenched his books and sprinted down the hallway and runs into the door. "O-oww.. Ugh I can't believe

I am late and it's not even the very beginning of the school year yet. He sighs and opens the door and as he does Yin ,the bio-chemistry teacher, looks up from looking down at her book, " If you

slowly cut some iron off the-- .. Oh you're finally here Gero..!" He huffs and quietly walks to his desk and sets his books down and looks up at her and nods. "Now as i was saying, you must cut the iron out then..."

Gero looks at the window and his eye lids slowly lower and stares at anything but the teacher. As he day dreams rather than doing his work he continously looks at the window and thinks "I can't wait to leave ... But where would

I go if I did.. I-i can't run away forever.. Not until i find ...more people... Like me." He hears a loud bang and jumps and falls out of his seat and looks up shaking and notices Mrs. Yin holding a 12 inch ruler with an aggitated

look. "Gero I have had enough of your day dreaming!! This is the final time you will do this!! One more time and you will get a week's worth of detention!! You understand me?" He stands up quickly and nods. "Ye-yes ma'am! I promise

it won't happen again!!" As a hour passes by he was doing his work and looks at the clock on the wall. "C'mon.., just 3 more minuets!! Then i can leave!!" The bell finally rings and quickly grabs his books and races out of the class room

and doges all the high schoolers that are walking and talking in th hallway. "E-excuse me!! Watch out!!" He pushes one person out of the way and trips and yells "Kyyaaa~!!!" he looks down and sees tha he tripped on his own shoe lace and lands

on his knees and skids to a stop and looks up and sees a girl standing right infront of him. He stares at her for a second, realizing that he was continously looking at her he gets up quickly and blushes lightly. "S-sorry!!" Gero grabs his things quickly and limps to the front doors of the

school and runs on the sidewalk heading to a place that looks vulgar and unappealing on the outside. The girl just stands there with a clueless look on her face and watches him leave.



Okay so i wanted to start writing a story .. but i was never up to the challenge ... until now ^^; I really would like to know if i should continue this or not .. Its something different ,than from drawing ya know? ^^

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Literary / Story