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Pocari's Ref sheet! by Pocari

Pocari's Ref sheet!


Here he finally is, Pocari! My very own Sodaroo based off my favourite drink. Seriously, I always feel so much better drinking this.
He's going to be brought to life by morefurless in March/April, and is gonna be all pimped out with fancy LEDs and whatnot. Raves here we come!

In-depth notes

  • Ears are ALWAYS back. Not pointing upwards like a bunny. The inner ear can hardly be seen from the front and back. They only go up if he's alerted or surprised or something.

  • The swishes are what I like to call the "Sweat Swish", as it's the swish you see on the Pocari sweat logo. He has a Sweat swish on his arms, legs, tail, ears, back, and snout. The swishes on the ears go down the back.

  • The inside of his mouth is just normal colors. Pinks, reds and whatnot, not really fussed there.

  • If you split him down the middle, the only markings that wouldn't be symmetrical would be the sweat swishes on his tail and snout.

  • His hair floof is very big, long, and straight. Was not exaggerating that bit, his floof is always big!

  • The sweat swishes on his back taper at the ends, as seen on the side view. They don't touch his belly white bit.


  • Always has toony eyes. He looks very creepy with realistic ones.

  • His ears are much longer than a normal roo, they're like longer than rabbit length. But still function like roo ears.

  • The side view is the most accurate. If you're not sure what to do, follow that one!

  • Please don't do the blue on his fingers and toes like this! They're rounded as shown :D

  • He doesn't wear any clothes, but if you absolutely must, ask me for what he'd wear.

That's all I can think of for now, will add any more if they come up.

Art & Character © to me!

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    Very cute ref sheet!! Your fursona rocks!!