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Nezzbit by PieLawd



Messing around with markers again but I don't have the pastel colours needed for Nezzy, he is my Quorian which is a species group that was founded on DA but mostly exists as a ghost town server on Discord.

I think I might have posted some Nezzy art before but as a refresher he is a little guy that looks kinda like a griffon with a paintbrush like tail, sorta like Smeargle from Pokemon. He likes puns and is pretty shy around other Quarians since he has spent so much time around his pet rat like creature, Blank.

Blank is overly protective and often chases other Quarians away from Nezzy which also adds to his stunted social skills.

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    The design is really cute! :)

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      I am gunna do a full body pic at some point with his pet rat but it will hafta be digital cos I can't afford the big fancy marker sets that have all them colour ranges >3>

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        I know what you mean, I lack a lot of range of colors in some of my markers. Like greens and purples for some reason! XD

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          I think my worst range of colours is purples and pinky colours, they are like here is a dark as shit purple and pink, a mid colour that doesn't work at all for a highlight and then one super pastely neon colour that you can't do anything with.

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            It feels like they just don’t make these colors for some reason. A lot of my “pastel” types of pink look okay when I apply it to paper, but when they dry they look more magenta-purple. :/

            And purple is worse, there’s just nothing. There’s a dark purple and a lavender and NOTHING in between. I wonder if marker companies just think “nobody uses purple”. @_@

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              I have this one purple colour that is so dark it's damn near black and then there is no other purple even close to being a next shade up so if I use it I hafta colour over it with light pencils just to have some gradient. I also have this pink that is supposed to be like a pastel soft peachy colour but it looks closer to hot pink when you put it down, it does dry a shade or two lighter but nowhere near the soft peachy pink it is supposed to be.

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                Yep, that sounds about right for markers. I have this huge page of comic board that's nothing but testing marks for the various markers I buy. Sometimes, depending on the paper--they even look differently when they dry, it's crazy! @_@

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                  AH I hate when I get markers, test em on my test sheet and then end up with a whole other colour than the test piece and it ruins a drawing >.> most uncool!

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                    Yeah, for sure!!!