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Cathryn/celeste doodle by Physicallyfat

Cathryn/celeste doodle


Ok, so as far as new oc's go and worldbuilding stuff goes this is a character that i have been developing for a little while and i forgot to upload her here =w=

i drew this a while back but i cant muster the strength to color it/finish it for some reason. not sure if nsfw. but im not going to tag it as such because shes basically a very long tank. she got thicc strong scales looks up original post of her She also goes by celeste. And this is a good size comparison to a 6ft demon:

I'll give her a little bit of backstory as well: this is a sort of gatekeeper to hell. This isnt actually hell, but rather the space inbetween the living world and hell.demonblush usually travels this route when he doesnt want to go though demon customs (“because they take too much time and i’d rather just get through it now.”)And the overseer of this outskirt zone is this centepede-exque flirty eldrich horror: Celeste. (DISCLAIMER: not really eldrich horror but loves to mess with humans by making images in the living world.)Celeste has a thing for small, unique, demons such as little demonblush here. So she lets him pass though unscathed from time to time. Just as long as she gets to see one of her, “cute demon pets” as she calls them.

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