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Deadly Piper by PhialeOfMystery

Deadly Piper


Behold, the Shadhavar. A predatory unicorn-like creature from Persian mythology resembling a gazelle.

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Visual / Digital


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    Predatory unicorn-like creatures are some of the best mythology creatures ever. Love how wicked you designed that blade on his head! Everything in this image seems to warn you from the creature. It's pretty awesome!

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      Thank you. I was thinking I may have overdone the horn slightly; I was going for kind of a cross between a wind instrument and one of the more wicked-looking antelope horns, but it looks more like she has half of a scimitar jutting out of her forehead. Eh, what are ya gonna do.

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    Oh man, I love this mythology! I'm so glad to see more art of it!

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      There's not very much art of it, is there? As with a lot of mythologies, there are some things that weren't described or illustrated in much detail, leaving room for creativity.

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        There sure isn't! I think I've seen maybe two other images tops.

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    Woohoo, I love Shadhavars :D Not enough art of them out there

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      It's really unfortunate.

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        I plan on drawing a Shadhavar (and a Karkadann) at some point. ^^ I love mythological creatures, especially the rarer ones.

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          Ah, cool. Speaking of middle-eastern mythology, I've wanted to draw Fulad-zereh for a while, although he's more of a figure than a creature.