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WALOS 2023 - Bran by pawstepsinthesnow

This was inconvenient.
Given that Darhaskos had hit both of his leiges and his liege's daughter, Bran wasn't terribly surprised that it was his turn. Nevertheless, he had duties to attend to, and attempting to figure out how to stand on two legs instead of four was interfering with his ability to perform them. This new form was... human, he thought. His own relations with the two-legged population of Eglantine was largely limited to performing errands for his liege.
Some portions of his ketucari form had transferred to this new shape-- he was tall, strong, and broad-shouldered. His hair was cut short and retained the brown color and loose wave of his fur. His face stern but handsome, if one were inclined to say such things, though cut in sharp lines that made his resting expression no less severe. His grey eyes had a look of being perpetually a bit too short on sleep to them.
Perhaps he could put this form to some use. A ketucari's paws were strong, but not particularly dextrous. His leige often said he preferred a human's hands for fine work. And a two-legged posture meant it was easier to carry things while moving. Some of his tasks for today might benefit from such things-- but before he could embark on them, he needed to figure out how to stay steady on his feet. How exactly did the two-legged ones manage with such a precarious stance?
One foot in front of the other. He pushed himself away from the wall and-- managed to stay upright, though unsteadily so. A small success? He felt mildly motion-sick, but... it was working.
Now all he had to do was master walking. That... couldn't be too hard? Could it?

Maybe his leige would excuse him if he spent just a little longer sitting.

WALOS 2023 - Bran


last minute short thing

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Literary / Story
