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Cherut Species Chart by Parasaur

Cherut Species Chart


Species Name: Cherut
Plural: Cheruti
Life Span: Unknown
Height Range: 3ft - 8ft

Cheruti are 'born' from a tightly wound scroll, these often appear in areas that are frequently traveled in all dimensions, they scrolls will slowly unfurl and the cherut is 'born'. As babies they are very small and have no halo, as they grow their halo will grow along side their wings.

Cheruti eyes are always white with black pupils (if pupils are present), or if inverted then they are black with white pupils. No other color is present.

It is a common misconception that Awoken are old or ancient Cheruti. Awoken will begin growing 2 sets of wings as children, and they may be born with or without additional eyes but if they are born with them they may close and disappear as the Awoken ages.
Awoken will always have pupiless eyes.
Their scroll(s) may be wrapped for their entire life or they maye gradually begin wrapping around their body as they age.

Fallen are not condemned Cheruti but they are less magically inclined.
A Fallen is created when a Cherut sustains damage to their scroll in such a way that their name is removed or torn in some manner. Once the name is damaged the Cherut loses connection with their magic and may begin to lose feathers, they may go blind in their additional eye(s) and chose to seal them, and their halo may crack or break. Fallen may still be able to preform some small bits of magic but their powers are severely diminished. Fallen Cheruti typically live shorter lives.

When Cheruti die they will turn to dust. In the case of Common and Uncommon variant Cheruti, the dust is similar to sand. In the case of a Fallen Cherut, the dust is more like ash. An Awoken's dust will shimmer and dissipate, leaving nothing behind.

Cheruti scrolls are very important to them and connect them with their magic, they are made of a very strong unknown material that acts like ribbon or paper when left alone but may become as hard as steel if an attempt to rip, tear, or cut is made. Thus why Fallen Cheruti are so rare.

Cheruti magic ranges to all forms of magic and any one Cherut will have its own specialties in the arcane arts, though few Cheruti are known to be very adept at casting violent or damaging spells, most often a Fallen will be well versed in the art of fighting magic, as they may have served in some battle or war, thus resulting in their Fallen state.

Cheruti may live in any universe. They travel through small gaps in dimensions, using gateways at crossroads to travel most frequently.
As a result of being dimensional travelers Cheruti may adopt customs and aesthetics of their chosen or favored dimension, and while most Cheruti do not wear clothes and have no exact need to do so it is still a common practice for one to wear clothing to feel more comfortable or accepted in any one dimension.

They do not have mouths but are able to communicate through telepathy, though they are unable to read thoughts from other beings, simply being able to project their own.
Being a species without gender, Cheruti do not reproduce and do not experience romantic attraction. And while they look angelic it is wise to note that they are as varied as any other being and may range anywhere on the spectrum of good and evil.

Cheruti have summoning sigils that they allow other beings to summon them, a Cherut will most commonly keep this sigil a secret and only give it to a select few of its closest companions.
Name sigils are always at the end of a Cherut's scroll (unless fallen) and while this sigil is the Cherut's name a Cherut will often pick a spoken name once it becomes old enough to do so.
As Cheruti do not have parents and their scrolls simply appear, the Cherut's caretaker may give them a name once they are born. Some Cheruti keep this name while others do not and decide their own later in life.

-Info may be subject to change-

Cheruti are a CLOSED species, do NOT make your own

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    this is an absolutely gorgeous species, i love them!!

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      if you wanna make your own, just send me a message on Instagram about it c: