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Magic Kingdom by pandapaco

Magic Kingdom


At the most magical place on Earth! Tijuana? No, this time I'm talking about Disney World.
Katsu, Timburrs, Flip and Ruka got to be there together, as a remembrance there can always be happy times in this life.
The place is not important, but the friends around you.

Digital. Photoshop

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


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    I love this kind of pic that's like a snapshot, it's so charming! Are those double-balloons a real thing?

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      They are a real thing!! Actually I drew that balloon based on those that they sell at Disney

      • Link

        That's really neat! If I ever go, I'm definitely gonna keep my eye out for those.

        Also apparently I only comment on the 17th of a month, ha ha

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          Now wait for reply this on 17 February! Hehe XP

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            omg, I'm not even joking when I say I just happen to have chosen today to check messages. How is this possible! XD

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              Haha this is funny XD
              I'm sure this is going to stop here, but if it doesn't on March 17th... that would be so great
              We'd be the 17 pals!

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                Ha ha, for real! I guarantee I'll forget about this in a day or two. Fingers crossed it happens all on its own X3