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Paco Wolf by pandapaco

Paco Wolf


Oh yes, there is another Paco!!
He's Paco Wolf, from Germany. It was very funny that when I just talked with him, he asked if I had named myself Paco for same reasons than him.

Well, is not that I named Paco myself, I can say that my parents named like that because actually that's my real name, or how in my hispanic culture people is used to call those with my real name.
It's funny why Franciscos are called Paco, when it seems to not have any relation a name with the other one, but everything was for the Saint Francis of Assisi (San Francisco de Asis, in Spanish), who was usually refeared on texts as Pater Comunitatis, that means Father of the Comunity from latin, and it was shortened as "Pa. Co.". That's why Franciscos are called Paco.

But Paco Wolf told me that he decided to be "Paco" because that means "Peace" in Esperanto. Which is super cool. Now I can say that my name also means Peace, I'm the panda of the peace.

It was also super cool to have met someone in the fandom with my same name, but with different ideas behind the name.

Well, I introduce you Paco Wolf!!

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    Wow, that's quite the story! I've met a few people who have the same fursona name that I do, but then again, mine isn't very unique so there is that to consider.